Chapter two

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Nico ran across the tops of the buildings with his two companions.

"Wow look at that view!" He said looking out at the city "I could get used to a view like this... yeah I'm used to it Jace, RARA I want a castle."

"You can buy all the castles you want after we steal this Jackson" Jason said opening hatch on the roof and lowering Nico down.

Nico grabbed the crown and the guard sneezed.

"Hay fever?" Nico asked

"Yeah" the guar replied "wait what!?" He turned around but Nico was already gone.

Nico, Jason, and Reyna ran across the bridge and into the forest. "Can't you picture us in a castle of our own? All the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning"


"This is it. This is a big day Mary Ann. I'm finally going to ask him!" Will said as he made the last strokes on his painting.

"Will" he heard Nero say from outside "let down your hair!"

Will quickly hid Mary Ann next to his painting and covered it with curtains

"I'm not getting any younger down here!"

"Coming father!" Will said and rushed over to the window and throwing his hair out of it. He pulled Nero up to the window

"Welcome home father" he said welcoming the man inside.

"Will how you manage to pull me up every single day it looks exhausting sunshine"

"It's nothing"

"Then I don't know why it takes so long" Nero said "oh sunshine I'm only teasing"

"So father as you know tomorrow is a very big day-"

"William, look in that mirror. You know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young man. Oh look you're here too!" Nero laughed " I'm just teasing. don't take everything so seriously."

"So father as I was saying tomorrow is a-"

"Will, I'm feeling a bit run-down would you sing for me sunshine? Then we'll talk."

"Oh of course father!" Will said and ran to set up the chair and stool, sit Nero down and hand him the brush.

"Flowergleamandglow, letyourpowershine, maketheclockreverse, bringbackwhatoncewasmine, healwhathasbeenhurt, changethefates'design, savewhathasbeenlost, bringbackwhatoncewasmine!"


"So father, earlier I was saying tomorrow is a big day, and you didn't respond. So I'll just tell you it's my birthday!" Will said "Ta-ta!"

"No no no it can't be. I remember your birthday was last year."

"Well that's the funny thing about birthdays they're kinda an annual thing" Will said "father I'm turning eighteen and I wanted to say what I really want for this birthday actually what I've wanted for quite a few birthdays at this point-"

"Will please stop mumbling. You know how I hat the mumbling. Blah-blah-blah-blah it's very annoying. I'm just teasing you're adorable! I love you so much sunshine!" He said and got up.


"What do you mean sunshine?"

"Well I was hoping you could take me to see the floating lights." Will said revealing his painting to Nero.

"Oh! You mean the stars"

"That's the thing! I've charted stars and they're ALWAYS constant. But these they only appear once a year every year on my birthday. ONLY on my birthday and I can't help but feel like they're meant for me I need to see them father. And not just from my window in person. I have to know what they are."

(A/N: wow I've gotten so far already honestly I'm trying to make up for disappearing without warning for like two months lol)

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