Chapter 3

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Nico ran behind Reyna and Jason and he stopped to rest at a big tree. "Oh no. No no no no no. This is bad. Very very bad. They just can't get my nose right." He said

"Who cares?" Reyna said

"Well that's easy for you to say. You two look amazing!" Nico said bending down to look at their wanted posters.

A horse neighed from on top of the mountain and the three of them ran deeper into the forest but stopped at a wall of rock.

"Okay give a boost and I'll pull you up" Nico said

"Give us the crown" Jason said

"What? I can't believe that after all we've been through you don't trust me?" Nico said "ouch" he took off the bag and handed it to Jason.

Nico climbed up his two companions and lifted himself up onto the cliff.

"Now help us up death boy" Jason said

"Sorry my hands are full" he said showing the two his bag before running off.

"Retrieve the crown at any cost!" The lead guard said.

"Yes sir" the rest of the guards echoed

Kayla neighed at the other horses and they whinnied back.

The guards shot arrows at Nico but he dove under a fallen tree and kept running.

He jumped over the branches of one of the trees only Kayla and her rider managed to keep chasing him.

"We've got him now Kayla!" The guard said.

Nico grabbed a vine and swung on it knocking the rider off Kayla and getting onto the horse himself.

Kayla stopped and looked at Nico.

"Come on fleabag! Forward!" He said

Kayla looked at the bag and grabbed at it with her teeth but Nico moved it back. "No no" he said keeping the bag away from Kayla.

She grabbed the bag in her teeth "Stop it! Stop it! Give it to me!" Nico said trying to wrestling the bag away from her.

The bag flew through the air and landed on a tree branch sticking out from the edge of a cliff. They both raced after the bag and by the time Nico grabbed it the tree branch broke and fell off the cliff.

As soon as she landed Kayla immediately shot up and started sniffing the ground. She passed a big rock and after she was gone Nico stepped out from behind it almost falling over when he tried to lean against a wall of vines.

"What?" He muttered as he stepped through them and started walking through the tunnel.

As soon as the tunnel let out he was greeted with beautiful fields and a stream with a tall tower in the middle of it all.

He climbed the tower and hopped inside. Nico opened the bag to look at the crown.


Nico fell to the floor. Will squeaked and ran away.

Will slowly approached the unconscious body with his frying pan and moved Nico's head to the side. He looked over at Mary Ann who pointed her tail at the fang beard man the Nero had drawn earlier.

Will used the handle of the pan to open Nico's mouth. There weren't any fangs.

"Huh?" He muttered and flopped the lock of Nico's hair that was covering his eye to the side.

Nico's eye opened


Will struggled to put Nico in his closet. When he finally did he shoved a chair against the closet to make sure he didn't get out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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