Chapter 6

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Quickpaw was steady on his feet as a white tom sprinted towards him. Quickpaw waited as they approached, stretching out his claws. Then, at the last moment, just as the cat was about to strike, Quickpaw jumped back, just a bit, before launching himself towards the cat's throat. He was careful not to slice the cat's throat as he knocked the larger tom over. Though Bloodheart said I shouldn't be careful, but this is a training session, not a real battle.

While he was lost in thought, Quickpaw felt back legs pressing against his belly. Suddenly his opponent launched him across and onto the ground. As Quickpaw rolled across the ground and onto his back, the white cat quickly twisted upright and turned to pin Quickpaw down before he had the chance to get up. One paw against his chest, and another holding his head back. The tom smirked as his head was held high, out of range of Quickpaw's teeth or claws.

"You may not be my mentor anymore," Quickpaw said through exhausted breaths, "but you're still an amazing fighter."

Pearlberry let out an annoyed huff as he lowered his head against Quickpaw's ear to respond. "You wouldn't have lost the session if you were still my apprentice," he hissed.

Quickpaw breathed a simple laugh as he continued. "Who said the session's over?"

A confused glare was in Pearlberry's eye for only a moment before Quickpaw struck his claws across Pearlberry's cheek. The tom flinched, allowing Quickpaw to knock Pearlberry off of him.

"Uhg! You piece of mouse dung!" Pearlberry hissed.

Quickpaw dashed at Pearlberry, slashing his claws at the older tom's shoulder. Pearlberry raised his paw to strike at the younger apprentice, but Quickpaw intercepted him by grabbing his paw with his teeth. He pulled the warrior onto the ground and pinned his paw against the back of his neck.

"No tricks," Quickpaw said, gently releasing his clanmate's paw. "I've won."

Pearlberry growled, then sighed in submission. Quickpaw let Pearlberry up as Bloodheart approached them.

"That was very good, both of you," the scarlet she-cat said, "your training has come along well. I could see you both implementing the attacks we've taught you, as well as using your own strategies to get the better of your opponent. There are certainly ways you both can improve, but for both being here for only a moon, I'd say you're doing very well."

Quickpaw puffed up his chest in pride, while Pearlberry glared at his former apprentice with disgust. The white tom had arrived in the Dark Forest only a few days after Quickpaw, and it wasn't any surprise. The Dark Forest reaches out to those who are struggling or angry. Pearlberry hasn't quite gotten over Ashflare replacing him as my mentor. I just don't understand why he seems to blame me.

"Well, I have other training sessions to oversee," Bloodheart continued. "You can both talk to the other trainees or practice your moves more."

Quickpaw nodded and trotted off. Duskpaw was waiting for him nearby. The two met up and walked through the forest as they spoke together.

"Are you sure you're ok training with Pearlberry?" Duskpaw asked, "He's not going too hard on you or anything?"

Quickpaw's tail swayed side to side as he responded. "Are you kidding? Of course he's going hard on me. That gives me a challenge. It's nice to see the disappointment in his eyes when I win!"

Duskpaw let out a small laugh. "Ok, if you say so."

"Anyways, I heard that Mumblepaw passed an assessment earlier today, didn't she?"

Duskpaw stared blankly at Quickpaw for a moment, before nodding his head. "Yeah... She's doing really well with her training." The brown tom's voice was dismissive and bland, as if he was uninterested in the topic.

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