Chapter 7

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"May all cats come to the Moon-roots for a meeting," Freshstar yowled, catching the attention of every cat in the Dark Forest.

Quickly, cats gathered around, living and nonliving. Quickpaw sat beside Duskpaw and a few apprentices they had been speaking with from other clans to listen to what Freshstar and Bloodheart had to say.

"We've called you here to discuss a few things," Bloodheart continued. "First, we know many of you, even other Dark Forest cats, have questioned the motives of both Freshstar and I. Never before has the Dark Forest gathered cats together to help them overcome their despairs or troubles. We have finally decides it's time to reveal our intentions."

Murmurs echoed throughout the gathering, curiosity in each voice. Once all became quiet once more, Freshstar spoke up again.

"This may be hard for some of you to hear, and I know you may believe we've betrayed your trust. All I ask of you is to hear us out. Bloodheart and I have always had our grievances against Starclan, and we have never fully put that hatred aside. We started reaching out to cats in need in hope that you all would assist us in taking vengeance against the clans."

"What?" Quickpaw muttered in shock, barely noticing how the cats around him made more excited responses.

Other cats too yowled out their cries of anger and betrayal. Bloodheart and Freshstar sat silent, taking the outcries as if they were scratches of a mouse that tried to fight back. Once all had quieted, Bloodheart continued.

"I understand this must be hard on most of you," she said. "You can understand why we hesitated so long to tell you. But look at yourselves, all of you have suffered, have lossed, have felt pain that no one could fix. Many Dark Forest cats have felt the same, angry and alone. Had we not intervened, a number of you could have wound up here anyways. But you're here now, and we've given you healing you otherwise wouldn't have received. Don't you think you owe us for all we've done for you?"

"Wouldn't all of these cats end up in the Dark Forest anyways if they were to assist in taking down the clans?" A she-cat spoke up. Quickpaw barely caught sight of Tulippaw pushing her way through the crowd as she approached Bloodheart and Freshstar.

"Look around," Bloodheart responded, seemingly unaware of whom she was speaking to. "Does the Dark Forest really seem that terrible, compared to the stories you've been told?"

Tulippaw hissed before she continued. "I am a Dark Forest cat, so I know how horrible this place is! You've neglected to tell the living cats that coming to the Dark Forest comes with endless hunger. You've neglected to tell them that the Dark Forest is an endless maze of roots and dirt, that it's a miracle we've all been able to find each other. It's even worse that you and Freshstar refuse to let any other Dark Forest cat access the Moon-roots! You refuse to allow cats to see their clanmates or their families. Why would any cat willingly condemn themselves to that fate?"

Bloodheart glared at Tulippaw as she jumped down and stood at the young she-cat's side. "True, that's all very true. Maybe what these cats need is to be shown an example of what Freshstar and I are willing to do to those who put our goals at risk."

Bloodheart lunged at Tulippaw with her claws unsheathed. Quickpaw yowled out in desperate protest as he forced his way to the two Dark Forest cats, ignoring the complaints of cats whose tails or paws he trampled over. His eyes were fixated on Tulippaw's panicked face. He picked up speed the closer he got, with less cats blocking his way.

He reached them when Tulippaw was on the ground, pinned down by Bloodheart. Before the dark ginger she-cat could make another strike, Quickpaw knocked into her, pushing her away from the young apprentice. His own safety was at the back of his mind as he battled the Dark Forest cat. All that mattered was saving Tulippaw.

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