Chapter 9

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Quickpaw's legs quivered as he approached Treeclan camp. Three days had passed since he and Duskpaw had left Treeclan without warning. There was no telling how his clanmates would react to their return. The worst fear that Treeclan wouldn't even accept the two apprentices back shivered in Quickpaw's mind.

"Just let me do all the talking," Duskpaw whispered, recognizing his friend's silent fear. "I've got an idea."

Quickpaw glanced at his friend nervously before he nodded. Duskpaw led the way as the two entered the dark camp. Quickpaw hugged Duskpaw's side as their clanmates' gazes rested on te two apprentices. Murmurs broke out through camp. Too many voices, questions that Quickpaw couldn't focus on. Eventually Maplestar yowled from the High-branch, silencing the clan. Curiosity was in her eyes as she gazed down at the two young cats. Duskpaw stepped towards her, glaring up at her with confidence.

"Where have you two been?" Maplestar asked.

"Trying to save the clans," Duskpaw responded. "We thought that maybe something was wrong with the Moon-roots, and that's why we can't reach Starclan, so we decided to try searching for another way to reach them outside of clan territory." His gaze slowly lowered to the ground as he continued. "We didn't think it would take so long, and when we realized we were just wandering with no idea of what we were doing, we came back home."

A few moments of silence passed before Dappleberry spoke up. "Did you not think to ask anyone first?" There was no anger in his voice, only confusion. "Why did you think that two untrained apprentices could be able to find Starclan without guidance from a medicine cat?"

"We didn't think anyone would approve," Duskpaw answered.

"I would have been happy to come along," Dappleberry said, approaching the two young toms. "I'd do anything to find Starclan."

"You'd really leave your clan without a medicine cat again?" Dappleberry flinched at Duskpaw's remark. "You're needed here, Dappleberry."

"Just, everyone go to your nests," Maplestar called before anyone else could speak up. "It's late. I'll think about what to make of this overnight." She jumped down from the tree, gazing back at the clan for a moment before vanishing into her den.

Duskpaw nodded before heading to the medicine cat den. Quickpaw went to follow behind him, but paused as he heard Silverdawn calling him. He turned, seeing his parents approaching him. Before Quickpaw could speak up, Silverdawn raced up to him, placing her front paw around his back and pulling him close.

"I was so worried about you," Silverdawn whimpered.

"I- I'm fine, mom," Quickpaw whispered. 

Silverdawn backed up slightly, worry shimmering in her eyes. "Why didn't you let us know where you were going?"

"You heard what Duskpaw said." Quickpaw's voice became quieter with each word.

"Quickpaw, I don't want to lose you like we lost your sister."

"Don't talk about Flowerpaw!" Quickpaw yowled with a slight hiss as he jumped out of his mother's paws. "I'm fine, that's all that matters." Before Silverdawn or Bloodfrost could speak up, Quickpaw twisted around and raced into the apprentices den. 


Quickpaw was treated as a hero by most cats that night in the Dark Forest, and he hated every moment of it.

First, it was overwhelming to have both dead and living cats crowding around him. He could barely move, and he couldn't discern a single compliment from the multitude of overlapping voices. All he had done was gone and met with a single cat, but he was being praised as if he had taken on an entire clan alone and came out the only survivor, unscathed. 

Second, his fur stood up high with anger when he noticed that none of the cats that had gone with him were receiving the same praise. The few times he caught a glimpse of Duskpaw or any of his other friends, they were sitting alone in the distance, unnoticed by the Dark Forest. They had taken part in the quest too. They deserved to get at least some recognition.

Last, out of all the cats that approached him that night, Bloodheart and Freshstar were never there. The two cats that had organized the whole thing, and they spent the whole time talking to Elkfang.

Quickpaw spent most of the night just trying and failing to get away from the crowd, hoping he could perhaps practice his battle moves by himself. But in the end, he was unable to obtain time to himself before morning came and he woke up.


"Hey, Quickpaw, Duskpaw," Ashflare murmured to wake the two apprentices. "Maplestar has an announcement to make. You guys have to be there for it."

Quickpaw let out a heavy yawn as he stretched in his nest. Duskpaw shook his head and sat up. Ashflare left the den, watching the two apprentices to see if they would follow.

"What do you think Maplestar wants?" Duskpaw asked.

"She's probably going to tell us what our consequences are for running away," Quickpaw responded with a sigh as he stood up.

"Well, come on. We shouldn't keep the clan waiting."

Duskpaw walked past Quickpaw out into the clearing. Quickpaw walked alongside his mentor, watching as Maplestar climbed up to the High-branch. The clan leader yowled for the clan's attention. Quickpaw sat beside Duskpaw as the clan gathered around. He gazed down towards his paws as Maplestar started speaking.

"I'm sure it will be no surprise to anyone as to what this meeting is about. Duskpaw, Quickpaw, I've spent much time reflecting on your motives for leaving the clan. It's true that it was reckless, but recklessness stems from bravery. I can see you're both cats who want to help and do what is right, disregarding what anyone else may think or ask of you. Warriors like that are hard to come by. Yes, there were flaws in your plan, but your hearts and minds were in the right place, and you were able to confess you were in over your heads and come back home. For these reasons, I've decided not to punish you, but instead reward you for your efforts."

"What?" Quickpaw gasped out. Is she really going to make us warriors? For leaving our clan?

"Quickpaw, Duskpaw, please step forward. I, Maplestar, leader of Treeclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Quickpaw, Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Duskpaw spoke up proud and stern.

Quickpaw nodded as his friend spoke, before then saying in a shaky voice, "I- I do."

Maplestar continued "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Quickpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Quickstrike. And Duskpaw, you will be known as Duskshadow. StarClan honors your courage and spirit, and we welcome you as full warriors of Treeclan."

Quickstrike's clanmates began cheering out for him and Duskshadow, but the guilt ringing in his heart was louder. I don't deserve this. My warrior ceremony is based on a lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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