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Alexs pov.

I woke up the next day in Justin's arms and i tried to go back to sleep. Justin stroked my hair and i woke up smiling.

Alex: Hey.

Justin: Aye.

He smiled at me big and i smiled too. I just layed there not wanting to go anywhere. I dont know why, but i am feeling very clingy today.

Alex: You know what i want to do?

Justin: What?

Alex: Stay here the whole day.

Justin: We can do that.

Alex: Yayyyyy. Are you hungry?

Justin: Super hungry.

Alex: Alright i'm going to go cook pancakes with chocolate milk.

Justin: You cook?

Alex: Of course i cook!

Justin: Oh i cant wait to see this!

Stephs pov.

I was cooking wearing only Ricky's huge shirt and underwear when i felt two hands on my hips. I knew it was Ricky so i turned around and i gave him a kiss.

Steph: Hey baby.

Ricky: Hey goodmorning beautiful!

Steph: How did you sleep?

Ricky: Great, you?

Steph: Pretty awesome we could say.

Ricky: Whatchu cooking?

Steph: Your balls.

I started laughing and he gave me a sad look.

Ricky: HA! HA! very funny!

Steph: I know right. I'm super funny.

Ricky: Yea baby. Whatever you say.

We ate and talked about many things. We talked about fun things we can do on summer break and food. We love food! When we were done we went to sit on the couch and he said he had to leave all of a sudden. I said ok and he left. Three hours later at 3 he called me and said to go look in my closet for a note. I awkwardly said ok and ran to my closet. There i found a note saying.

"We can't talk on the phone or text, but i will be giving you clues to something. You are also getting some presents. Follow my directions carefully and dont do anything beside what i'm telling you ok?Now go look at the place you spend most of your mornings fixing yourselve and find a note.
Love, Ricky"

I quicky thought about that and i went to the restroom. On the toilet seat i found a box and a card on top of it so i opened it.

"Put this on and check yourselve out in the mirror.

From ur babe, R"

I opened the box and i saw a beautiful pink dress with white high heels. I put them on and i ran to my mirror to see myself. I look gorge... I saw a note on the mirror and i peeled it off.

"You look beautiful baby. Maybe make-up wouldn't help, but why not trying.

Have fun, R"

I went to my make up set and opened it. I put on the makeup and a little note fell on the floor and i picked it up.

"Gorgeous as always. Do me a favor and look on the bottom of the bed. I think i forgot something.

Love u forever,R"

I reached out on the bottom of the bed and took out a present bag. I opened it and i saw a new pink bag with something inside. It was a jewelry box so i opened it. In there, there was a beautiful silver necklace so i put it on. On the bag there was also a note.

"Like it? I hope you did. Now we can text. Not call though. A choffer will pick you up at 5:10 and bring you to me ok. I love you so much and i can't wait to see you.

Yours only,Ricky"

I fixed my hair and took a shower and redid everything. It's 5 and i decided to text him.

=phone texts=

S: Thank you so much baby for all the gifts.💖 I really really like them.😊 I can't wait to see you and give u a huge hug.💜💙I love you sexy!😍😘

R: I love you too and i'm glad you liked them 💓 I'll see you soon.

I decided to leave it at that and i got my phone and put everything in my new purse. I walked downstairs and sat down. Someone then knocked on the door and i opened it.

:I'm here to pick you up, Ms.Diaz to take you to Ricky.

Steph: Alright i'm just going to get my purse.

I ran to the couch to get my purse and i ran to the door after. I locked the door and we walked to the big car that was waiting for me.

I got in and the man drove me to Ricky.

When i got there he looked at me smiling big and he had a whole dinner planned for us at the beach. i gave him a kiss and we sat down and ate. We talked for a bit then he took me to this big rock where we stood on top of.

Ricky: I know we are too young but i really love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you and have kids with you and have a family. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?

I was soooo happy i could jump in the ocean but i didn't. This dress is too cute. I nodded yes and he picked me up and twirled me around.

Ricky: I love you. 💖

Steph: I love you too.

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