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Alexs pov.

I realized Dylan wasn't at the table and i asked where he was but no one knew. Maybe he's in the restroom.

Em: I don't know maybe he's in the restroom.

We nodded and continued eating and talking about funny things.

Someone suddenly talked which startled me.

Dylan: Why so much laughing?

Justin: Oh just jokes. Where were you?

Dylan: I got a phone call and i had to answer sorry.

He came and gave a kiss to Em while sitting down.

Alex: Is everything ok?

Dylan: Ye yea just my mom. She was telling me she got a call and that she won't be here throughout the whole summer break. She's leaving in three weeks for a month.

Alex: Lucky you. You have a freaking huge mandion to yourself.

Dylan: Oh shut up you have a mansion too. So does Emily and let's not talk about Justin.

Justin laughed and so did we.

We stayed there until te night playing games and hearing music. We decided to go to home and sleep.

-Next day-

Afterschool i walked to my car after giving justin a huge kiss and a huge hug. I'm kind of late because i had to increase my grades to pure A's. I drove to starbucks where Em, Steph, and I are supposed to meet the wedding planner.

I got there and they were already there. I walked to them leaving my backpack in the car.

Alex: Sorry I'm late. I had to stay in school for a while. Hi i'm Alex.

I put my hand out and the wedding planner shook it.

:Hillary. Hi nice to meet you.

Alex: Likewise. So, where do we start?

Hillary: Well Stephanie told me about what theme she wants and i've had this type of wedding before. Almost all girls love pink so this will be very easy.

Alex: I know. What an ugly color no offense, but anyhow, we saw the dress already.

Hillary: That's fantastic. We can go check it out when we are done.

Steph: Sounds great.

We continued talking about everything that involves a wedding and it was pretty fun planning it.

Bouquets: Pink and light blue roses.

Salon: The huge salon that has two parts to it. A club party and a normal party.

Roses: light blue and light pink.

Food: Salmon and fish.

We were done planning and it was 6 so we decided to go check out the dress. We drove in our own cars to the huge store. This store is where almost all the celebrities get their dresses at so Steph loved it of course.

We went in and we saw all the dresses. Steph found the one she fell in love with in the magazine and she said she was totally getting that one. It's $10,000.00. Who does that?!?! Pfff. The fuck!

We were looking around and Emily was goofing around trying on dresses. This bitch. She really like one and she put it on. She stayed with it while we kept looking at the other ones.

Em: Aye why don't you try one Alex.

Alex: Me? Girl you know i dont like dresses.

Steph: Well you're gonna need to wear one when u get married.

Alex: I'm never getting married.

Em: Uuuuuhhh! I'm telling Justin.

Alex: Go ahead.

Steph: Cmon! Put it on!

Alex: Fine just for the group photo.

They smiled and clapped their hands in excitement.

I put on a high low wedding dress and put on some high heels that were in the store just like the girls.

We took a selfie then Hillary took pics of us being sexy, silly, fun, and a normal cute one. We look really beautiful i have to admit. I posted the sexy one on twitter and instagram saying the same thing.

"Always have fun with these girls. Don't we look hot?😏 @emthebae and I are not getting married tho. but, @princess•teph is.💖😏"

A while after i checked my phone and it was blasting with likes and comments like "beautiful", "divas", "hotties",or "awwww adorbs". I said thank you to them all and then i got a comment from Justin on twitter.

"You girls look beautiful. Specially you baby. I love you so much. Can't wait til' it's time you get to wear a dress to church, with me in the altar. You look like an angel.💖👌😘😍😊💜🙊👼"

I replied with
"Thanks babe. I love you too. And wayyyy more! 💜💙💗💘XOXO💋"

I smiled and i ran to the dressing room and changed back into my jeans and my red and black flannel. I put on my white supras on abd the girls changed too. Steph paid for her dress and we walked out. We said bye to Hillary and we each left home. When i got home Justin and I started texting and oh boy i can't be happier than this.

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