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The day was October 31st, and Halloween the wards had failed on the Potter manor 7 weeks ago when a planned attack was placed to get into the manor.

Dumbledore had warned them that now Voldermort had knew about the prophecy they would all be hunted like animals for slaughter.

James was picking out candies with Lanna saying, "Well these ones are too hard for your little teeth so how about we-"

"James!" Lily called out panicked.

James quickly situated Lana in a place where she couldn't hurt herself before rushing into the kitchen.

It had been twenty minutes before James came back out again, looking slightly pale looking at Lana with concern.

"Alright so we have got your dinner here." He starts helping to feed Lana as she happily throws the vegetables on the floor.

Lily comes in the room also pale a tint of red on her lips, "Really?" Lily raised a brow in James' direction.

James shrugged, "I can't help it."

Lily rolled her eyes fondly picking up a babbling Lana who was trying to talk it had been just over a year now and Lily was positive nothing would ever be as great as watching her little girl grow.

"Mama." Lana sighed into her mum cuddling against her her speak was quite broken.

James pouted, "Can you say Dada baby."

"No." Lana leans in closer to Lilly as she smirks at James.

"So not fair." James sighed before he winced his eyes going to the door, "It's time."

Lily turned even paler this had been where they had died, where they left Lana.

She ran upstairs holding Lana placing her in the cot whilst she rummaged in the draws for the portkey.

She unhooked a piece of fake wall only to see the portkey wasn't there she almost fell back in shock covering her sob when she heard James's body hit the floor.

She rushed over to the crib, "Lana mama loves you, Dada loves you and you are so loved." Tears running down her face she gasps as she hears his voice.

"Step aside, girl." Voldermort spat out.

"Never." Lily shakes her head in denial, standing up to face him.

Voldermort seemed to sigh if he could even do that, "avada kedavra."

Lily fell to the floor lifeless.

Voldermort tutted, "What is so special about you, huh?"

If he had expected her to talk back he was more stupid than he looked.

Blue eyes and brown eyes met and Lana stared at him uncaring, "avada kedavra."

The spell seemed to hit an invisible barrier, knocking back and ricocheting into him.

Voldermort gasped disappearing into a cloud of dust.

"Mama wake bad guy poof." Lana happily bubbled.

20 minutes later, a disoriented Lilly and James Potter woke from their deaths and were transitioning to become hybrids.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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