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(in this story, Google isn't evil but does have some bugs)

(y/n's pov)
"No f/n, you don't have to worry. I'm just fine." I say to my friend. I hear her sigh.

"Y/n, you should have one to make sure you're safe and help with around the house. You don't take care of yourself enough and I worry you push yourself too much." I sigh. F/n has been trying to convince me to get the newest technology, a robot that can do almost anything. But they're so expensive and I'd rather not have to deal with money problems.

"F/n-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Y/n, no. I'm getting it for you, and that's final. Goodbye~." She sings before ending the call. I sigh, tossing my phone on the couch next to me. I shake my head, turning on the tv.

"I don't believe she'll get me one." I say, focusing on the tv, forgetting about the conversation.

Time skip to a week later

I'm laying on the couch, scrolling through social media when there's a knock on my door. I get up and open the door. I look down and see a big box. I look at the tag, confused. "It has my name and address so I guess this is mine but I didn't order anything." I pick it up and bring it into the house, setting it down on the floor in front of the couch.

I open it up and jump back as a man springs up out of the box. He has blue jeans and a blue shirt with a glowing G in the middle. He has black hair swept to the side, brown eyes, glasses and stubble on his chin and upper lip.

He's looking down at me, smiling. "Hello, I am Google IRL, your own personal assistant." I stare, confused, until I remember what f/n said. I sigh and look up at Google, still sitting on the couch.

"Umm hi Google." I give a small smile which Google returns.

"Hello master." I look at him confused.

"You can just call me Y/n, not master."

"Okay Y/n." He pauses and tilts his head a little. "Your heart is beating a little faster than normal. Anxiety seems to have risen as well." He states bluntly.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I scanned you once I got out of the box. It is so I can know my owner from the start and know some important information, such as, medical history, family medical history, health conditions, health risks, the best way to k-k-kill." Google glitches a little at the end, stuttering.

My mind runs over the last thing he said. Best way to kill? Did I hear correctly? "Google, what was the last thing you said?" I ask,hoping I heard wrong.

"The last thing I said was, 'health risks'." He says, smiling at me. I'm creeped out but shrug it off. "What does Y/n want me to do?" He asks, head tilted a little.

"You don't have to do anything Google. At least not now. I just don't want to put everything on you. Thanks for asking though. Here, let me show you the guest room." I say, grabbing Google's hand. I lead him to the guest room then show him around the house. "Feel free to do whatever you feel like. I'll leave you alone for now to get settled in." I say, walking away.

"Thank you Y/n." Google says before entering his new room.

(Google's pov)
It has been a few weeks since I started living as Y/n's assistant. But unlike most people, Y/n doesn't order me around. She barely even asks me to do things unless she really needs help. I do not understand. I also do not understand her caring ways to me. I am a robot, supposedly incapable of feelings, but she still cares and makes sure I am alright.

I have never had a person do that before. Care about me. What is this feeling I have? I do not know, but my fans have been spinning faster, trying to keep me from overheating more recently. Usually when Y/n is around or I think of her. I may need to ask her what I am feeling.

(Y/n's pov)
I'm sitting on the couch mindlessly watching tv. Google walks into the room and sits beside me. I turn to him and give a small smile which he returns as I hear his fans speed up. I look at him in concern. "Google, are your fans supposed to be working so hard so often? Are you okay? Are you overheating?" He looks away and I grow worried.

"I am not quite sure Y/n. But I wanted to ask you something." He says. I immediately turns my head and body in his direction, giving all my attention to him.

"What's up Google? Everything okay?" He nods, still not looking at me.

"Yes, I am okay. Just confused. I think I may feel something yet I do not know what it is. I was hoping you may know."

"Well, tell me what you can and I'll do what I can." I say, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. His fans speed up again.

"Well, when I am around you or think of you, my fans speed up. When you leave the house, I worry until you come home. I always wonder if you're okay, like you do me. When you talk about someone else, I wish you wouldn't. I do not know why I do that, I shouldn't have 'feelings' yet here I am, possibly feeling something." He explains to the best of his ability.

I nod in understanding as I think. Then it clicks. "Google." He finally looks at me in the eyes. "Are you in love?" I ask. It's a simple question but he looks shocked and confused. He takes a moment to think. Then he looks at me again.

"It seems like a possibility I may be in love. I do not understand how." I giggle. His fans speed up once again. He laughs too. "Maybe I am in love. Y/n, do you accept my feelings?" He asks, looking at me, his eyes showing some fear.

I giggle again. "Yes Google. I accept." He smiles bright, making me smile. He slowly leans in and kisses me gently. I close my eyes and kiss back. Surprisingly, his lips are soft and not freezing cold. We pull away, still smiling. Google wraps his arm around my waist and we just sit together, watching tv.

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