Finally getting some!

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* warning * (This chapter is going to be a smut)

After the events at the school, Bella and Charlotte had a lot of time to relax and get over the trauma of what they had experience.

Pepper felt extremely guilty and Sophie immediately changed her opinion on Charlotte due to how she protected her bestie. Charlotte was grateful for that and that Bella no longer felt confused about their relationship.

Speaking of relationships, Charlotte had been invited for some one on one time with Bella. Standing outside her door Bella opened and was met with awe. Charlotte was wearing the same dress that she had wore to their date at the movies, and Bella ironically wore the same thing as well. Her sparkled, personally customized bulldog football jacket.

They both stood there awkwardly, when Bella had invited her inside. "Do you wanna come in?" she smiled awkwardly.
"Yes" Charlotte replied, smiling ear to ear, something Bella found immensely cute.

The two sat down on the couch, with the movie they had gone to see on their first date. "Well isn't this ironic" Charlotte said. "Yeah. I know it isn't a movie theatre or anything but"- "it's perfect" Charlotte cut Bella off with a gentle smile, causing Bella to smile too. The two watched the movie until the end credits, to which Charlotte turned to Bella and muttered " I love you" which she heard. "I love you too" Bella replied.

Five minutes later Bella was ripping off Charlotte's dress, taking off her own clothes. She unclipped Charlotte's bra and started to suck her tits. "Yesss!! Bella!!" Charlotte screamed as Bella sucked her boobs and fingered her pussy. All this stimulation was making Charlotte wetter by the second. Soon Bella was licking and sucking Charlotte's clit, then sticking her tongue in her folds, going deep and lapping up everything she could.

After Charlotte had came Bella thought that she was all puckered out, until Charlotte flipped her over and started ripping off her clothes and kissing every inch of her body leaving hickeys everywhere. She then flipped Bella over and started ravishing her butt and vagina, after she was done Bella had cum and both of them were panting messes on the sheets of Bella's bed. "God I love you" Charlotte said. "I love you too" Bella said back and with that the two fell asleep.

Sorry for the bad writing, I'll try to do better. Hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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