Chris - Emetophobia

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guys im so proud of myself, the last chap i posted was done before 1am. ik, be proud of me, it doesnt happen often so dont get used to it LMAO

anywho, this is a request from my bsf  sparkler2020 "could you do one where Chris has really bad emetophobia (fear of p*ke) and Nick gets sick so Chris is really scared? Then maybe he gets sick himself?" 

Of course! I hope you enjoy this one!!

TW: Vomit (obviously 🙄)


It was a random Tuesday evening in June. Matt was out at some store, Chris forgot which one he said, it wasn't that important. So it was just Nick and himself eating dinner, waiting for Matt to come home so they could watch a new movie that had just come out. The youngest and oldest triplets were having casual conversation about who knows what, it didn't matter because they were together.

Chris didn't even understand what the fuck happened or how it happened. One second they were chillin at their dinner table and the next Nick was running down the hall to Matt's bathroom. (i feel so bad for matt its always his bathroom that they vomit in - kate)

Chris froze in his seat when he heard the bathroom door slam shut. His brothers knew he had emetophobia, in fact, they were very well aware of this fact. It's not like it was Nick's fault that he didn't feel well. And besides, maybe he wasn't going to throw up and Chris was just over reacting.

Maybe he just really had to take a piss.. Yea, that's probably it. Chris thought as he didn't hear any sounds of someone hurling in the bathroom.

He really wished he was right.

But things aren't always as they seem, now are they? About 5 minutes passed before Chris heard the sounds of gagging coming from the hallway. He felt his blood run cold at the thought that Nick was throwing up, and Matt wasn't home to help him. Chris couldn't run and hide and plug his ears until Nick felt better. There was no one here to comfort Nick, and as much as Chris hated vomit, he couldn't leave his older brother to suffer alone.

Chris had every intention of going down the hall and opening that bathroom door so he could comfort his brother. At least, those were his mental intentions. 

His physical intentions were very different. Pushing his chair away from the table as he heard the vomit hitting the water in the toilet, he ran down his stairs, shutting every door he possibly could behind him, and hid in his bathroom cabinet, plugging his ears.

What the fuck am I doing? Nick, the one who's always there for me when I'm sick, is throwing up and I'm acting like a fucking baby, hiding and shit? Hell no.. I- I'm gonna help him!

Chris timidly pushed open the cabinet door, and slowly creeped back up the stairs. Maybe he was just dreaming and Nick wasn't really sick. He finally made it up the stairs and slowly walked towards Matt's bathroom door, knocking lightly.

"Nick? Are you okay in there, bud?" Chris asked, just like Matt and Nick do for him when he's losing his stomach contents violently.

Nick groaned, "Chris, go away. I know you're scared of- of throw up.." he said, gagging again.

It took everything in Chris to not run away screaming at the sound. He pushed the door open and almost passed out at the sight.

Nick's head was resting against the toilet, his cheeks flushed as sweat made his hair stick to his forehead. Wet belches were omitting themselves from his lips every few minutes, in between gags. 

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