Matt - Sick

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soooo im back again, ho ho ho and all that shit lmao. i was very inspired by a dramatic tiktok edit to write this, so it's js gonna be based off of one of their videos "EVERYONE RELAX" if you dont remeber, i put the video link in here for you pooks <3

if you couldn't tell already, this isn't a request but i really wanted to write this before my brain stopped working and i forgot my idea. also if u couldnt tell, this is gonna be one where Matt's sick, like the video.

i hope you guys enjoy this one and think of it as your christmas gift (and if u celebrate, Merry Christmas!)

TW: sick, sweet fluffy shit, vomiting, wet rags, you get the gist.


They had just picked up the camera, getting ready to film for their new Wednesday video. Nick had gone to Urgent Care a couple days back and Chris had gone just yesterday. So far, Matt was the only one who wasn't sick, but he had been the main person who was taking care of his brothers so Nick wouldn't be surprised if he went down with the virus next.

Chris was going to film a cute intro, waking Matt up since he still wasn't awake because he knew the fans loved things like that. So off he walked down the hallway, Nick trailing behind him. Chris pushed the door open, camera already recording, ready to get a cute moment recorded for their vlog.

Unfortunately, a cute moment would have to be put on hold.

"Matty? Wake up, kid. We gotta film for the video today," Chris said, handing Nick the camera before bending down and hugging his brother.

Apparently the slightest amount of movement that came from Chris was enough to send Matt flying up, out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom. The door was slammed shut, lock clicking in place. Nick and Chris just stood there, staring at each other in pure shock at the events that just happened. A wet gag jolted Chris back into action and he quickly ran after Matt, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Matty? Matt, let us in. We want to help, kid," Chris said sweetly, jiggling the door handle a few times.

Nothing. He got silence in response.

"Matt, unlock the door," Chris said more firmly, knocking louder.

After another wet gag and a few minutes of silence, Nick and Chris heard the familiar sound of the door unlocking, Chris pushing it open immediately after. The sight broke the boys hearts. Matt was rigid over the toilet, hands in his hair as tears fell quickly down his face. His body was shaking as he gagged, spit dripping into the toilet water below him.

"Oh no, Matt.. What happened, bub?" Nick asked, the camera had already been turned off and left on Matt's bed.

"I- I don't feel good.." Matt cried, a wet hiccup interrupting his sentence.

"I know, I know.. But you gotta let it out, kid," Nick comforted, kneeling down next to Matt.

Chris kneeled on the other side of him, rubbing his sweaty back as Matt swallowed down another gag.

"Matt, keeping it down will only make you feel worse. You have to just throw up bubs," Chris said softly, holding Matt's shaking form upright.

I guess Matt felt bad because his only response was a nod. That is, before vomit came spewing out of his mouth. He threw up a good couple of times, everything he ate for dinner coming back up in revenge. Nick and Chris were holding him up and rubbing his back the entire time. Sweet words of comfort were being whispered into Matt's ear as he cried. Wet sobs rang throughout the bathroom and before Chris could fully grasp what was happening, Matt was falling back into his arms. 

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