Chris - Tonsils

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Hey guys, guess whos back again! if u guessed me, u would be correct so- gold star! I have another Chris request from the popular potatoes0709 !

"Hi can you do a story for Chris having to have an operation to get his tonsils out and Matt and Nick look after him" 

Of course! Here u are and i'm deeply sorry for the wait- but i hope you like it!

TW: Surgery, tonsils, medical jargon, vomit, wet rags (u get the gist)


They were up late again, all huddled in Matt's bathroom as Chris expelled his stomach contents for the fifth time tonight.

Matt had the wet rags, of course, and held Chris's hair back. Nick was holding Chris up, as he was too weak to hold himself up. Sobs wracked Chris's body as his stomach muscles clenched in protest. His throat burned, the vomit scraping it as it barreled up his throat. He sobbed at the pain as he threw up nothing but stomach acid.

"Shh, you're okay Chris.. Here lets sit back, bub," Nick said calmly, gently pulling Chris away from the toilet.

"My throat-" Chris croaked out, sobs bubbling from his mouth.

Nick and Matt shared a look, knowing Chris was going to have to take a trip to the hospital.

"I know Chris, I know it hurts," Nick comforted, holding Chris as he cried into Nicks chest.

"Chris, you have to calm down bud. It's just gonna hurt your throat more," Matt explained, rubbing Chris's shoulder.

Chris gasped in breaths in a meek attempt to calm himself down.

"Ma-Matt.." Chris's voice broke off, throat killing him.

"Yup, good job bub.. In for four... out for four... Great job, Chris. You're doing so well, let's keep it up, kid," Matt coached Chris through the breathing exercises, knowing they would work. 

Finally after what seemed like ages, Chris was calmed down, breathing back to mostly normal. 

If you couldn't tell, Chris had tonsilitis. Again. It was a reoccurring sickness for him and he'd had issues with his tonsils since he was younger. They knew that he would eventually need surgery, but Chris hated hospitals and always avoided them like the plague. Unfortunately for him, he hadn't been able to keep any food down for the past day, which meant it was time for a visit to the hospital.

"Matt, start the car. I'm gonna get Chris cleaned up and we're gonna go to the.. Well, the you know where," Nick said, mouthing the word hospital so Chris didn't freak the fuck out once again.

Matt nodded in response, getting his shoes on and grabbing his car keys before running out the door.

Nick sighed, picking up a half asleep Chris and taking him to the living room. He set him on the couch before he wiped his face off with a rag and put a hoodie on him.

"C'mon Chris, we're gonna get you some help, okay bub?" Nick muttered, picking Chris up once again.

Chris nodded tiredly against Nicks shoulder in response, barely awake.

Maybe this would be not so difficult. I mean, if Chris was already almost passed out, he wouldn't freak when they pulled up to the hospital, right?

Well... Things don't always go as planned. The drive to the hospital was smooth, Chris waking up every now and then, but he didn't really focus on where they were going. So this would go smoothly, right?

I mean, it was going smooth until Matt put the car in park and Chris woke up, looking around at his surroundings. Of course he would see the bright red sign that said 'HOSPITAL' and of course he would start freaking out, because he's Chris.

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