Famous Last Words (Gerard POV)

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*Trigger Warning*

There she was. Gone. Forever? I don't know I know I can't make her stay. I felt dizzy. Fuck. I felt like dieing. She was gone. I love her and she was gone.
I needed to do something. So I drank as much as I could take. I was seeing 3 of everything.

I needed more.

I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I could not live without her. I can't. I just can't. I filled up the bathtub and got in it as it filled. It went over my face. I stayed there till I heard a scream and every thing went black.

I woke up on my bed with Lindsey sitting the corner of my room with a scared look on my face. "You tried to kill your self" She said "I love you" I said back and then she cried. "I'm sorry this is all my fault" I went over to her and hugged her. "No it's not honey I just over reacted and I'm sorry okay please don't cry" I hugged her as she stopped crying "Okay" She tried to smile but kinda failed. "Wanna order a Pizza?" I asked as she nodded. I got up and ordered Pizza. Lindsey followed me into the living room as We started to kiss. We both said I love you at the same time and the we both went into a fit of giggles. We feed each other pizza and cuddled all night as we watched horror movies.

I woke up the next morning next to Lindsey and kissed her as she mixed around and woke up. "Morning Love" She said. I looked over at the Sofa a smiled. "Morning" I said back as I walked over to the Sofa and kissed her cheek. She giggled. Oh My God! She had the giggle of a fucking goddess. Lindsey is so perfect. Nice black hair. Amazing thighs. Great Outfits. Lindsey is just to amazing and I'm so lucky to have her. I looked at her eyes as I feel into a beautiful trance. we look at each other as I went in for a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds till Lindsey laughed a little bit and walked into the bathroom. I walked down stairs as I popped 'Unknown Pleasures' by Joy Division into the CD player and danced around waiting for Lindsey. I started to clean up the Pizza that was on the floor for some reason.

         Lindsey came down stairs as she said "Holy shit your cleaning, The world must be ending". "Haha very funny" I said as 'Day Of The Lords' came on. "This is my favorite Joy Division song" I said and smiled. "Mine two" Lindsey said as she took my hand and we started to dance of the smoothing voice of Ian Curtis. She put her head on my shoulder as we went back and forth dancing together. Everything was working out in our favor for once. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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