Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile been really busy...... Anyways enjoy chapter 7!


Sam's POV

I wake up to see light flying through the curtains. I forget where I am for a second but then realize I'm at my new home. Suddenly I see my door peak open and find Mrs. Horan peaking through. "I'm sorry if I woke you." She spoke quietly. "No, no." I said "I was just thinking." "Oh. Well I just came to tell you that breakfast will be ready in 10." "Thank you." I said as she closed the door. I opened the drawer where I had put my clothes the night before. I looked at my clothing. I only had ratty things. I grab my old Texas sweater that my dad had bought me when he went there. I zipped it on and went downstairs in my pj pants. I went downstairs to see Niall, his jerky brother Greg and Mrs. Horan all sitting at the table. I stood in the doorway to the kitchen for a few seconds before Mrs. Horan spotted me. She spoke "There you are Sam! Perfect timing we were just about to say grace then eat." I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before she motioned for me to come sit down. I sat beside Niall with Mrs. Horan and Greg sitting across from us. They all bowed there heads and crossed there hands. Then she started to pray. I had never done this at my house so I was confused. I saw Niall open one of his eyes and look back at me. He must have saw that I was confused because he grabbed my hands and put them together for me. His touch sent shivers down my spine. When we were done praying we said Amen and everyone started to dig in. I couldn't help but notice that Greg was giving me the evil eye. Finally Mrs. Horan spoke "Oh, I almost forgot! Samantha this is my other son Gregory!" I looked at him awkwardly and said "Nice to meet you." Then Niall quickly came in saying "Actually mom...... This is the girl Greg went and." I cut him off there. "Actually Mrs. Horan I just remembered me and Greg have met before he helped me on my schoolwork once." "Oh isn't that sweet of you Greg!" She said giggling happily. Greg gave me a mocking smile. He knew I feared him. I just smiled awkwardly. I looked over at Niall to see him giving me a confused look. I just gave him the "I don't want to talk about it look." For the rest of the meal we ate in silence. When we were done we all brought our dishes up and I went upstairs to get ready. I pulled on some old ripped jeans and a baby blue sweater. I walked downstairs and slipped on my old sneakers. Mrs. Horan looked at me and my ratty clothing. She sighed "Oh dear. Tonight I am taking you to the mall to get you some new clothing. "You don't have to do that." I spoke. She looked me up and down than spoke "I think I do. Anyways it's time for you guys to get to school. Have fun!" Then she shooed us out the door.


Thoughts? Please tell me! Anyways inbox or comment what you think and I will dedicate the next chapter to you! Thanks!

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