Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

"So....what should we do today?", I asked cautiously. Harry and Sam had been acting kind of weird this morning and I was wondering if I had missed something. "Well...", spoke Sam, "I think I'm gonna go look for a job. And if I'm gonna go, I better go now, so I'll talk to you guys later!! Bye!" And just like that, she was out the door

Sam's POV

My nerves were eating me away. I know it's practically impossible for Niall to find out I kissed Harry, but considering my luck, he would somehow find out. Considering I don't have a car, a start walking down the sunbathed sidewalk. I smile when I see children playing with there brothers and sisters at the park, moms walking there babies in strollers and dads giving piggybacks. It made me miss my family. The saddest thing is my sister, Rosie, never really even got to experience the world. I guess the world works in mysterious ways like that. Suddenly, I come across a tiny store with a bright "HELP WANTED" sign in the window and know this is my chance. I look up to see the place is called "Sarah's Books and Antiques". Sounds nice...... I guess. I always did love to read. I walk in and and her I little ding of a bell, signalling my arrival. The place is quite cozy and smells of mint. I walk to the front desk to see a lady sitting and reading. "Excuse me.", I say tapping her shoulder. "I saw the help wanted sign and I was wondering-" She flew out of her desk, screaming "Yes!! Yes!! You're hired!!" She gave me a giant hug and threw me a uniform. "Thank you!!", I said, a bit puzzled."When can you start?", she responded. "How about right now?" "Oh darling that would be wonderful!! Just browse the books, get comfortable with this place and put on your uniform. Do you know how to work a cash register??" When I was 13 I helped my dad at his work and that involved one, so I could probably be able to figure it out. "Ummmm,", I responded. "I'm pretty sure I can figure it out." And with that she waltzed into her back office. She seemed like a sweet old lady. First I put on my uniform, which consisted of a short skirt and top, making me look like a little school girl, then i started browsing the books. As I'm browsing i hear a little bell ring indicating my first customer had arrived. I quickly went over to the door saying "welcome to-" But I stopped mid sentence. "Harry?" I said, confused. "Sam?", he responded, "what are you doing here?" "I work here! What are you doing here? "I like to read!" He said proudly, making me giggle. "Where's Niall?" "Same as you. He went to look for work." "Oh." After a little while of Harry and I exchanging book titles and reading a little, Sarah came out telling me I had a one hour lunch break. Harry and I walked out of the store and walked to the nearest Starbucks to get a coffee and a little something to eat. When we got there we ordered our drinks and sat down. After a little bit of silence I spoke,



"I ummmmm, we did something and I want to just say I-"

"I know about the kiss."

"You do?"

"Yes.............And it was the best kiss I've ever had."

My eyes widened in shock. He really did like me! But then his eyes widened in horror. "Erin??", he screamed. "Harry!!", a lady screeched while pulling Harry into a gigantic hug. "Who's this.", she spoke, glaring at me. "Oh this is my......friend, Samantha." There was that six letter word I dreaded again. Friend.



Hope you enjoyed!! And just a question but, who's you fav 1D guy? Thanks for reading!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!! Byeeeeee!!


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