Chapter 12

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More comments please!!! I really need them to know that I'm doing ok please, please, PLEASE!! Thanks :*




Sam's POV

"Come in, come in.", spoke Harry. As soon as we entered the apartment my jaw flew open. For a guys apartment it smelled lovely. There were tulips in the middle of the table, a small couch in front of the TV and pictures of him and his family, and........... another girl. My heart sank. Maybe she was just a friend? "Harry," I asked politely, "who's that girl your with in that photo?" "Oh.", he spoke, "that's Erin. My ummmm girlfriend." My heart sank. I guess I knew it was to good to be true. Everything about me reads sadness. As soon as I think my life's getting better something happens that makes me think otherwise. "She's beautiful.", I said trying to shake off the awkward moment. And it was true. She was gorgeous. Next we went upstairs where Harry showed us our rooms. But there was only one. "Sam, this is your room, and Niall, I know you hate memory foam beds but your gonna have to sleep in my room." I could see Niall's smile drop, so I decided to do something nice. "I can stay in your room!", I blurted out, "I love memory foam." Niall responded "are you sure?, cause its really no problem." "I'm sure." I spoke happily. "Ok then.", spoke Harry "I guess I'll show you to your room."

Harry's POV

After getting everyone settled in we sat down to watch a movie. After the movie was finished, I laughed cause Niall and Sam were asleep. First I grabbed Niall and yanked him on my back and through him on his bed and closed his door. I walked back downstairs to see Sam still sprawled out on the couch. I picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs, then gently placed her on my bed. And before I could think I did something I know I shouldn't have done. I placed my lips lightly on her soft cheek, then quickly pulled away knowing what I had done. I quickly ran out of her room and jumped on the couch. Most people would say "it's just a kiss on the cheek no big deal." But it was a big deal. Because I liked it.

Sam's POV

I lightly smiled as Harry carried me up the stairs, trying hard not to let him know that I was wide awake. He gently laid me down on his bed, which is when I took in the fresh, masculine scent from the pillows next to me. Then he did something I would have never expected. He lightly kissed me on my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. As soon as he did it he stormed out of my room. I quickly shot up, so many feelings raced through my body. He does like me. He really does like me. And with that I lay my head back down on the soft, fluffy pillow and all night I dreamt of Harry Styles.



Thoughts? Should she end up with Niall or Harry? Hope you enjoyed xoxoxoxo


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