Chapter One.

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Violence and Death.

~The Enigmatic Circle.~

Nice people have a lot to hide.
Quiet people keep a lot inside.
Bad people get criticized.

Amelia Rivers has carried her mother's words with her, their presence lingering since her childhood days.


As the morning sun peeks through the curtains, Amelia grapples with both love and heartache as she prepares for the day ahead.

She wakes up with a sense of purpose reflected in her bright, hazel eyes. Her face is framed by a cascade of wavy, brown hair that falls gracefully over her shoulders. The strands seem to carry a hint of rebellion, mirroring Amelia's independent and spirited nature.

Her clothing choice tends to lean towards practicality and comfort, reflecting her pragmatic approach to life. Today, she slips on a well-worn jacket over a casual yet professional outfit that allows her to move freely as she navigates her investigations.

Her personality is a delightful mix of intelligence, wit, and empathy. She possesses an insatiable curiosity, is always hungry for knowledge, and is eager to connect the dots that others might overlook. Though her profession has exposed her to the darker aspects of humanity, Amelia's compassionate nature drives her to seek justice and closure for those in need.

She has a way of putting people at ease, making them feel heard and understood, which often elicits valuable information during her investigations. Her friends admire her unwavering loyalty and her ability to remain level-headed even in the most challenging situations.

Determined to maintain her strength, she dons the mantle of a private investigator, ready to immerse herself in a new case.

Her resolve remains unyielding, despite the emotional weight she carries, as she sets out to navigate the intricacies of her profession, armed with determination and a touch of vulnerability that makes her a formidable yet compassionate investigator.

She finishes her morning routine, gathering her essentials as she readies herself to meet a new client in a few minutes,

"Yeah it's been tough but I've got a new client I'm meeting in 30 minutes," Amelia tells Jessica on the phone.

She juggles her bag, and keys, and slips on her shoes.

Opening the doors, shock grips her, leaving her rooted to the ground, her phone still in hand.

"Amelia? I can't hear you, Amelia?" her friend's voice tries to reach her, but there is no answer.

In front of Amelia stands an eerie and perfectly symmetrical metallic circle, its cold surface reflecting the dim light filtering through the morning fog. The circle's edges are smooth and flawless, almost as if it was deliberately crafted for this disturbing purpose, giving it an ominous presence that seems to loom over the scene.

Within the circle's confines lies a haunting figure - a lifeless body, its features obscured by shadows and the veil of morning mist. The body is positioned in a way that suggests it was carefully placed, as if in a macabre display, adding an unsettling touch of artistry to the grim discovery. The metallic surface beneath the figure seems almost like a pedestal, elevating the body as if it were a disturbing centerpiece.

Amelia's heart pounds in her chest, as she tries to comprehend the chilling sight before her. Her mind races with questions, struggling to make sense of how such a grisly scene could have appeared right at her doorstep, unnoticed by anyone else. The realization that her residential house's seclusion has kept this horror hidden from the world's view sends a shiver down her spine.

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