Chapter Two.

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Violence and Death.

~The Coin.~

The ones who die leave a lot behind
The Mysteries of their path
Is for you to unwind

As the tense atmosphere persists, an unexpected twist unfolds, capturing the attention of all present. The metallic structure, as if responding to some hidden mechanism, begins to detach itself from its moorings. Vibrations ripple through the air, a palpable anticipation building among the onlookers. With calculated precision, the structure begins to open, revealing a sinister secret concealed within.

Gasps of astonishment and horror escape the lips of those gathered as the metallic panels retract, unveiling the lifeless form of a body within. The revelation sends shockwaves through the crowd, an eerie silence descending as the truth is laid bare before them.

Amidst the unsettling tableau, a glimmer of intrigue emerges. One of the police officers discerns the source of the mysterious ringtone emanating from within the metallic structure. With a careful yet resolute hand, he opens a compartment, his heart pounding in anticipation. His eyes widen as he beholds an intricately crafted custom-made coin, perched atop an envelope.

Fingers trembling with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, the officer gingerly extracts the contents of the envelope. His breath catches as he unveils a cache of nineteen more coins, each unique in its design. A sense of bewilderment washes over the officer, the implications of this unexpected discovery leaving him momentarily speechless.

He examines each coin, noting the intricate design and craftsmanship that sets them apart. Yet, what captures his attention most is the inscription meticulously etched onto each coin: "Cychia."

Amidst the unfolding intrigue, Jessica's focus remains unwaveringly on Amelia's well-being. Recognizing the need for a swift departure from the unsettling scene, she rushes to Amelia's side. Wrapping her arms around her friend, Jessica gently guides her towards the awaiting ambulance, her presence a steadfast anchor amidst the chaos.

"We need to get out of here," Jessica's urgency is palpable, her voice a reassuring yet insistent plea. But Amelia's mind remains ensnared in the enigma that has unraveled before her eyes.

"No, I need to know what's going on," Amelia's voice pierces through the haze of confusion, her determination resurging as she reclaims her sense of self.

The officer turns his attention to Amelia, his gaze steady as he poses a question that carries a weight of intrigue.

"Cychia, do you know what it means?"

Daniel, Amelia's husband, interjects, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"No, why?"

Amelia responds, her brow furrowing in genuine bewilderment.

"There were coins underneath it, with Cychia written in the middle," Daniel's explanation punctuates the air, the significance of the discovery hanging palpably between them.

Amelia's eyes widen, her mind grappling to process this newfound revelation.

"No, I don't know what it means," she admits, a note of perplexity coloring her words.

"Amelia, let's go," Jessica's voice cuts through the haze of Amelia's thoughts, pulling her back to the present moment. With Jessica's support, Amelia manages to navigate her way to the waiting car, her steps unsteady as she leans on her friend for guidance.

CYCHIA: THE P.I, THE PSYCHIATRIST & THE PSYCHO.Where stories live. Discover now