Chapter Seven.

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~The Investigation.~

Pursuit of Shadows.

The following day the team gathers once again, their determination undiminished by the passing hours. With eyes fixed on their respective tasks, they navigate the labyrinthine maze of information that Amelia's life has become. 

Amelia, back at home, pores over the details of her own life, her expression a mixture of nostalgia and introspection. Jessica cross-references data with an intensity that matches her dedication to her friend's cause. Mark, at the station, continues to sift through the threads of connections, piecing together a mosaic of relationships and experiences. And Daniel, the steadfast leader, orchestrates this pursuit with a sense of purpose that inspires the entire room.

Amidst this atmosphere of unwavering commitment, the room is suddenly pierced by the sharp ring of a phone. Startled glances are exchanged as everyone freezes for a moment. The ringtone echoes in the air, a disruptive intrusion into their collective focus.

They don't want any journalists asking questions.

Daniel, his brow furrowing with a mixture of curiosity and concern, rises from his seat. He moves with purpose, crossing the room to his office where the insistent ring emanates from his desk. With a quick motion, he picks up the receiver, his voice a calm assertion in contrast to the urgency that surges within.

The rest of the room watches, their concentration momentarily shifted from their work to the unfolding scene. A veil of tension hangs in the air as Daniel listens, his expression shifting as he absorbs the information being relayed through the phone.

"Hello," he starts, his voice a blend of caution and inquiry. The air hangs heavy with anticipation, a palpable tension that transcends the phone line. There is silence on the other end, a breathless pause that elongates the moment.

"Cychia," he hears a voice say, the single word resonating through the receiver like an enigma wrapped in mystery. The syllables are laden with a weight that sends a shiver down his spine, a mixture of recognition and strangeness intertwining.

He quickly gets out of his office, his instincts pushing him into action. He signals Mark with a glance, a silent directive to trace and locate the number that is called. Mark nods in response, already reaching for the tools at his disposal to carry out the task.

As Mark works, Daniel keeps the caller engaged, his voice steady and calculated. 

"Who is this?" he inquires, a firm edge to his tone as he seeks to extract information. 

The caller's response is a haunting laugh that sends an eerie chill down his spine. A thrill of apprehension courses through him as the laugh fades into silence, the void of her response more unnerving than any words she might have spoken.

He is recording the call, aware of its potential significance for further investigation, even if the quality is compromised or altered. The voice on the other end continues to elude him, dancing on the fringes of comprehension.

"I'll only talk to Amelia, Amelia Rivers," she says abruptly, the words hanging in the air before the line goes dead. The abruptness of the call's end leaves him with a sense of disquiet, a puzzle with pieces that refuse to connect.

With a swift motion, Daniel dials Jessica's number, his voice taut as he relays the urgency of the situation. He instructs her to bring Amelia to the station promptly, the need for their presence critical.

Amelia arrives at the station, her expression a mixture of curiosity and concern. Her eyes meet Daniel's, searching for answers that seem to elude them all. As if on cue, the phone rings once more, the sound echoing through the room. Daniel retrieves it and hands it to Amelia, a shared understanding passing between them.

CYCHIA: THE P.I, THE PSYCHIATRIST & THE PSYCHO.Where stories live. Discover now