Issue #5: The World Keeps Spinning

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It's been one week since Bruce's funeral. Every day, without fail, Y/N Bullock has paid a visit to the manor. He wasn't quite sure why. All he knew is that he felt like he had to help these people.

Y/N steps through the front door of Wayne Manor and hangs up his jacket on a nearby coat rack. He lets out a small sigh as he kicks his shoes off and leaves them by the door. His phone buzzes in his pocket, prompting the teen to check it. A text from his father. He ignores it.

Y/N looks up to see Barbara and Dick sitting in the main lounge of the manor. Y/N walks over to the pair. "What's going on?"

Dick just groans in exhaustion while Barbara turns to Y/N. "Y/N, please tell Dick that he needs to slow down."

Y/N just raises a brow. Dick, who previously had his head in his hands, looks up at Barbara. "Babs, I'm fine. Really."

Barbara just sighs and crosses her arms

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Barbara just sighs and crosses her arms. "Dick, this is killing you! You can't take the mantle forever."

Dick abruptly stands from his chair. "And who else is supposed to take it up?! I've thought it through, and this is the only way to trick the common crooks that Batman is still on the streets. The same Batman."

"Really? I thought this house was full of good candidates," Y/N says with a frown. "Everyone here has the same training as Bruce did."

Dick crosses his arms and shakes his head. "Not really. Jason's too ruthless and unforgiving, Tim's permanent exhaustion would catch up to him eventually, and Damian's still a kid."

Barbara goes to talk before deciding against it. Her gaze shifts from Dick and onto Y/N. She finds herself studying him, his physique and stature in particular. It's then that she gets an idea. "Y/N can do it."

Y/N's eyes snap over to Barbara. "I'm sorry, I can what?"

Dick also turns to her. "Yeah, I'm with him here. What?"

Barbara wheels herself over to Y/N. "You heard me. I think he can do it. Look at him, Dick. He's got the look, he's in good shape. Hell, he even went out of his way to help Bruce, putting himself in danger." Barbara thinks back on the last week, a small smile forming on her face. "He didn't have to keep checking in on us after the funeral, but he did. Besides, you can't keep being Batman forever. Blüdhaven needs Nightwing back."

Dick runs a hand through his hair. "I mean... Sure, but can he keep up? No offense, but we all had trouble learning what Bruce could do. It'll take time."

"Then it'll take time," Barbara responds with a shrug. "I'm not saying he takes up the mantle now, I'm saying we train him to do so."

Y/N coughs, gaining the attention of Dick and Barbara. "Yeah, hi, do I get a say in this?"

Dick and Barbara share a glance before looking back at Y/N and speaking together. "No."

Y/N sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Look, I don't even know where to start. I'm just some guy off the street."

Dick walks over and places a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "We start in 10 minutes. Get ready."

Word Count: 564

Did I procrastinate writing this chapter? Yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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