Chapter Six: But now I see

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Katherine and Doc followed Scott as he led them to... somewhere. He hadn't necessarily told them where this person lived.

It had been at least three days if Katherine was counting correctly since that infected took Shelby, Jimmy, and Gem, and they still weren't any closer.

Until now.

Scott stopped at a willow tree that was surprisingly untouched by the skulk.

If anything it seemed like it was infecting the skulk if that made any kind of sense to you.

"Lizzie!" Scott called out seemingly out of nowhere. Why would he be calling out such a random ass name to a tree?

But to Katherine's surprise the tree (with a British accent might I add) responded to Scott's call with a simple yet cheerful "oh hello Scott!"

The leaves then moved to reveal a young woman with hair the colour of cherry blossoms and eyes the colour of turquoise.

"Who are your friends?" The woman; Lizzie asked.

"This is Katherine and Doc." Scott said gesturing to the two who were just standing there awkwardly not completely sure of what exactly to do.

"Hello you two" Lizzie greeted, her smile never once fading.

"Hello" Katherine responded; trying to sound more cheerful then she felt while Doc just waved at her in what Katherine assumed was him trying to be friendly and non threatening which was honestly understandable considering how menacing Doc could look, even if he didn't intentionally do it.

"So, do you need something? Perhaps something to do with Grian?"

"Uhm, while that is half of why I wanted to see you, we unfortunately have more... pressing matters to deal with."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Three of our friends... they kinda got... kidnapped..."

"Kidnapped! Was it by that guy!?"

"It's wasn't by General Joey no"

"Not General Joey! The guy that comes and tries to get me to follow him to his house so he can marry me!"

"Wait what!?"

"Yeah! He's come by two times now!"

"This isn't good..."

"Uhm... can someone explain to me what's going on?" Katherine asked, "maybe later, for now... what did this guy look like?"

Lizzie cocked her head to the side and thought about it for a moment, "hmm... he had brown hair with a green streak in it, and he was wearing kinda... ogre-ish clothes, oh! And he had green eyes!"

"Ok, that's not the guy who took them, but I'll keep an eye out anyway."

"Thanks Scott! I really do appreciate it! If you see him, tell him to leave me alone! Ok?"

Scott gave Lizzie a thumbs up as well as a cheeky little grin.

"You got it!"

"So anyway, back on topic, what does this eeeeviiil kidnapper look like?"

"Like the infected, but different"

"How different we talking?"

"He can speak"


"Yeah, and he can kind of... control the skulk in a way"

"Oh damn this guys op"

"He really is"

"Ok, ok enough with the small talk, can you help us or not?" Katherine asked, growing impatient with Scott and Lizzie beating around the bush.

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