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It was nearing 2am and Dylan couldn't sleep. He was exhausted yet, he felt energetic. Ugh..My head...What is going on? he thought as he walked around his bedroom. He then noticed a faint light from outside his window. Strange, it's so late why is there a light? he thought.

Curious as to where the light was coming from, he decided to investigate. He opened his window and stepped outside, the cool night air hit his fur. He was almost certain he was going to regret his decision in the morning, but he decided to go ahead with it anyways.

He followed the light until he arrived in the kitchen. To his surprise, there was a pony in the fridge; Rainbow Dash. She turned around and saw him, her eyes wide in surprise.

'AAAH!' they both screamed at the same time.

'What are you doing here?' Rainbow Dash asked, confusion and anger in her voice.

'I couldn't sleep,' he replied honestly, 'It was impossible.'

'I was looking for a midnight snack,' Rainbow Dash said.

'Oh yeah? Well, the café is always open, why don't you just get your snack there? And uh, if you don't, Twilight will get mad and I don't think you want that,' he said.

Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful for a moment before replying, 'Yeah, I think you're right. Okay, I'll go to the café.'

'Hold up!' Dylan said, an idea having come to him. 'You're taking me with you to the café, otherwise, I'll tickle you!'

'Ugh, okay fine,' she said, her face an expression of disbelief.

He smiled triumphantly, 'Of course! Everyone knows your tickle as your weak spot!'

Rainbow Dash scowled at him before looking away. 'Are you done talking about my weak spot? Can we go now?'

'Oh, yeah! Let's go!' They both got up and left the kitchen.

Little did they know, Twilight was about to walk in five minutes later. Fortunately, they were already at the café. On their way there, they talked about their worries and dreams. When they arrived at the café, Dylan ordered a milkshake while Rainbow Dash had a frappe.

'Wow, this frappe is delicious!' Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

'Wait, it's a milkshake, not a frappe,' Dylan said, laughing.

'Right, I have Italian origins, I haven't told you that,' Rainbow Dash said.

'No, you didn't, and this is shocking,' Dylan said.

Just then, Twilight walked in. 'Come on, I'm the smart one, and I know for sure that if there is a munched cake on the ground but there is no pony, that pony must be at the café. Case closed,' Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash and Dylan stared dumbfounded at her for a few seconds before Rainbow Dash said, 'Ugh...okay...'

'Oh come on, Twilight, it's almost three in the morning, let her take the milkshake and go,' Dylan said, trying to defuse the situation.

Twilight sighed. 'Alright, fine. If you want it so badly, take it then. And be more careful next time, I don't want to have to search for you at odd hours,' she said before leaving.

Rainbow Dash and Dylan finished their drinks and left the café. On the way back, they talked about life and Dylan was grateful to have such a good friend.

Dylan went back to his room, thankful for this weird adventure, and fell asleep peacefully.

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