He can't stop himself

608 13 2

TW: Self harm

 Chan Pov:

I waited until he was fully awake and gave him a big hug (even though Minho avoids them as much as he can) Minho asked what happened and all i could answer with was; I don't Know but you're safe now.  i asked Minho if he wanted a drink or some food but he just ignored me. I placed my hand on his head "Please answer me Minho, i need to know if you're okay". Minho sighed "NO, why do you even care about me".

Minho POV:

I snapped back at Chan and I instantly felt guilty and ran into another bathroom locking the door again. Chan finally left me alone. From the coner of my eye I see a rasor and as I start to get close to it the disturbing but desireable thoughts came flooding through.

Being a failure -1 cut

Being too ugly-2 cuts

Too mean-3 cuts

Becoming fat-4 cuts

continuing until 30 cuts on my arm making my arms covered in blood and deep cuts

I needed to quickly patch up before the members find out what i've done

Author POV:

As Minho bandages up his arm he makes sure there is no blood on the floor so the members don't suspect anything. Minho quickly runs downstairs making no eye contact with anyone and heads out on a walk. The linguring thoughts of JYP calling him fat danced in his mind again, he was worndering if he should just quit Stray Kids. That thought quickly dissapreard once he heard Chan call his name.

His ruined death wish //MINCHANWhere stories live. Discover now