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something happened today and I am kind of not having a good day You see I went to go open my closet this afternoon and I was looking at my floor and I saw some water that was in front of my hot water heater so I like why is there water there so then I went to look at the wall behind my water heater and it all wet so I like I need to call my dad so I end up calling my dad who ended up coming over to my house and look at it. Well my dad ended up having to rip out half the drywall that was in my closet today because of it being all wet so now I have a fan in my closet and I don't know where to put my clothes so this day is not really going as planned  so now I am like why does this have to happen to me of all people

Book eight of my life of the new year Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ