what does Canada fear the most?

107 8 7

UN: Canada mon ami!
Canada: again? *Sips Tim Hortons*
UN: *chuckles* what can I say? I guess they like you.
Canada: I'm glad. So, what's the question?
UN: what do you fear the most?
Canada: ...
UN: Canada you can trust me. I won't tell a soul.
Canada: ... I fear... War...
UN: oh?
Canada: it's so bad, ugly and cruel. I tares people away from eachother and it ruins lives and relationships. Friends or even family. It's such an ugly thing. I really do hate it...
UN: oh my god... That's very deep Canada.
Canada:*tears up a bit and looks down* yeah... I just really hate it.
America: aw bro are you ok?! Did someone hurt you?! I'll kill them!!
Australia: Oy Mate what's the matter?
NZ: Cani? You ok?
*The four siblings hug*
Canada: I'm fine... Thanks.
NZ: don't cry or I'll cry! *Sniff*
Australia: aw kiwi don't cry or I'll cry!
America: no one cry or everyone's gonna cry!
*They laugh*
UN: *tears up* wow... They love eachother so much... So wholesome...

(I'm still a bit teary after that! But don't worry I'm ok!)




Mon ami = my friend

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