Chapter One- To New Beginnings

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New beginnings.

They were always stressful, weren't they?

The thoughts that creeped their way into new beginnings were even more stressful.

Would people like me?

What if I hated the degree I chose?

What if I hated everyone in my class?

What if I hated my roommate?

That was a silly question to ask, really.

My roommate was my best friend of ten years.

Lila Boulard.

Ten Years Ago

'Hey, do you wanna see my new Monster High doll?' A small girl approached me, messy brown hair cascading down her shoulders and framing her small round face.

I shot up from my position underneath the large oak tree, immediately alarmed.

None of the other children spoke to me, so why did she?

Was this some kind of malicious joke?

'Um... Sure?' I mumbled out, making sure to keep my head down, shutting the book I was reading momentarily.

'Look! Its the limited edition Draculaura doll, isn't she cute!' She exclaimed, showing the cute pink doll off.

I nodded my head sharply, and opened my book up again.

'You know, Draculaura and Clawdeen are definitely in a secret relationship. They're obsessed with each other!' She chirped out happily, running her fingers through the dolls hair.

I simply observed the brunette, still shook to the fact that she was speaking to me out of all people.

I've never seen her around at school which meant she must be new. She had plenty of opportunities to speak to other children and make good friends. So why was she wasting her time on me?

'So, why are you alone anyways?' The curious girl questioned, taking a seat next to me and grabbing the book out of my hands.

'Jacqueline Wilson.. Hm. Good taste' She mumbled under her breath, before placing the book down by her side.

'Oi! Thats mine, give it back!' I yelped out, trying to reach over the girl to grab my book back.

'Not until you answer my question. Why are you sat all alone reading at playtime?' She tilted her head to the side, almost comically.

'Well.. None of the other kids like me. They say I'm either too quiet or too posh' I mumbled out in shame, playing with my fingers in my lap.

'Well you know what I have to say about that?'


'Fuck them kids' She grinned, to which I gasped.

We weren't allowed to swear at school!

My mummy said children who swear need their mouth washed out with soap!

She suddenly grabbed my hand, and pulled us both up off the floor.

'Whats your name by the way?'


'Well Clem, I feel like you and I will get along just great'

Present Tense

And since that moment, we were inseparable.

Me and Lila did everything together.

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