Chapter Three- The Bucket List

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Next mornings hangover was definitely not pretty.

'Clem I will literally sell my soul to you if you bring me some ice water right now' Lila groaned, burying her head further into her pillow to block out the light coming from the windows.

Floor to ceiling windows seemed like a great idea at first. Now that we were hungover, probably not so much.

'No you bring me some. In fact I will buy you a mother-fucking Lamborghini if you bring me some' I whined, pulling the quilt over my head.

'Fuck no. If I stand up I might literally puke' The brunette mewled out, sitting up in her bed and pressing her back against the wall in the process.

She looked rough.

The usual femme fatale's hair was sticking out and pointing in all sorts of directions, resembling a disheveled bush that desperately needed trimming. The make-up she wore last night was still on her face, except now her black eyeshadow streaked all the way down her face, her red lipstick smudged in the outer corners. Her striking brown eyes were unusually puffy and red.

I groaned, sitting up and mirroring Lila's position slowly.

Why did I ever agree to drink?

I'm never drinking again.

'So, how was your first University clubbing experience?' Lila smirked, throwing a knowing look my way.

To be honest, it was amazing. I had the best time I've had in quite a while. Well, except for the fact that I made a total fool out of myself in front of Harlow Grey, that is.

'Not bad..' I mumbled, massaging my temples with my index finger and thumb.

'Not bad!? Girl, I saw you talking to Harlow. I have eyes in the back of my head, you know?' Lila exclaimed, way too loudly for my hungover head, and did a little jump on her bed.

'Yeah...' I muttered, practically cringing at the memory of embarrassing myself.

'So!? How did it go!? What did you talk about!?' The curious brunette questioned, leaning forward and letting her head rest on her hands.

'Awful. Terrible. Absolutely catastrophically' I groaned, throwing my head back in the process.


'I totally embarrassed myself! She asked me to dance with her and I told her I needed to walk my cat. I don't even have a fucking cat!' I wailed out, running my fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm myself down.

Lila looked taken aback at my outburst, as she tried to hold a snicker in, yet miserably failed to do so.

'It's not even funny! I'm never speaking with her again, or showing my face anywhere for that matter' I whined.

'Oh chill out Clem, it's not a big deal. You just need to push yourself more, get yourself out there more. Work on that confidence'

Get myself out there more? Was this woman crazy?

'No, absolutely not happening. I am not getting myself out there. No, never' I spoke out, mimicking quotation marks with my fingers.

'Oh come on! In fact, I have the perfect Idea!' The brunette exclaimed, jumping off of her crimson bed.


Needless to say, Lila's idea was absolutely childish.

Half an hour later, and we were currently sat on our kitchen floor, making a "Bucket List" for this year.

Her excuse was that I needed to get out of my shell more and try new things, according to her it would make me more confident.

'Okay! Month one. What should we do for month one?' She hummed to herself, tapping her index finger on her chin comically.

'Oh! I know!' She exclaimed, jotting something down on the baby pink piece of paper shortly after.

1. Get invited to 5 (or more) parties.

'Five parties!? Lila are you crazy? When are we ever going to have time to actually study?' I shrieked, reading over the paper again.

'Oh come on, we can multitask. Easy' She brushed me off, picking up her pink gel pen again in the meantime.

'Hmm, any ideas for month two?' She questioned.

Now that I thought about it, I've always wanted to hookup with a random.

I grabbed the pen from her slender hand, and scribbled down the words on the paper.

'Hook-up with a stranger? Damn, now thats what I'm talking about' Lila nodded in agreement, a proud smirk present on her face.

'Month three! What is it gonna be! See what I did there, it rhymes' Lila exclaimed, whispering the last part causing me to giggle.

'Uh- I don't actually know-'

'I have the perfect idea!' Lila exclaimed, taking the pen out of my hand and jotting words down on the paper yet again.

3. Clem= Get with Harlow Grey. Lila= Get a boyfriend/girlfriend to not third wheel.

'Are you out of your mind!?' I exclaimed, whilst attempting to grab the pen out of her hands to scribble the sentence out, yet failing to do so as the brunette held it up above her head.

'At least try! See where it goes! She seemed to definitely have the hots for you last night!' Lila giggled out, still waving the pen above her head.


After an hour of agreements and disagreements, the list was finally completed.

1. Get invited to 5 (or more) parties.
2. Hook-up with a stranger.
3. Clem = Get with Harlow Grey. Lila = Get a boyfriend/girlfriend to not third wheel.
4. Skydiving >:)
5. Have a friend group of at least 4 people
6. Go skinny-dipping
7. Fake a scandal
8. Get legally married to each other
9. Plan a holiday abroad
10. Get matching tattoo's on holiday
11. Get a divorce
12. Learn how to play a new instrument and start a band

And judging by what was jotted down on the pink paper, you could probably guess who chose what.

Even though I may not have agreed with all of Lila's crazy ideas, one thing was certain.

This was going to be one interesting year.

And boy was I right in the end.

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