My First Theory

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Ya know K.C from T.O.T.S, right? Anyway I have a theory on her. Well, her family, actually.

This is going to be my first theory in this book. I can put my theories in here too, right? Anyway, my theory is below:

You know how K.C has her uncle that's a cow, her two sisters, her brother, her grandma, her other uncle, her aunt, and Kyla? Well, how come we didn't see her parents like we saw the rest of her family in S1 Ep25? That's where my theory comes in. I think that K.C's uncle that's a cow and her grandma has been taking care of K.C, her brother, and her two sisters. Well maybe K.C's other uncle and her aunt has probably also been helping before they got Kyla. But what happened to K.C's parents then? I think something might have happened to them after K.C's two sisters were born but I really don't actually know. This is just my theory.

If I have more theories, I will be glad to put them in this book so you guys can read them and tell me what you think. 

That's all for now. More randomness and theories are coming soon!

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