Freddy's Cousin (or possible secret twin brother) Eddy

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You know that Freddy has his cousin Tommy Triplebeak, right? Well, Freddy mentioned in T.O.T.S Crate Surprise thing that he has a cousin named Eddy and we don't see him in the show.

But I'm starting to think that Eddy might be either Freddy's actual cousin or Freddy's secret twin brother. . . .

Hear me out on this. When parents have twins, they like to think of names that sound similar to each other. Like Dan & Jan, Aaron & Sharon, Burt & Kurt . . . you get the idea. 

Now take away the F and R from Freddy and the letters left are E, D, D, and Y. That spells Eddy! And now think about what I said with the matching twin naming thing and think about Freddy and Eddy thing.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

So now, instead of Eddy being Freddy's cousin, he might actually be Freddy's secret twin brother named Eddy who might've got adopted or something by Freddy's aunt and uncle when Freddy was little or he maybe never showed up in Freddy's family photo when Freddy got delivered to his parents in the episode "Baby Fliers/TOTS the Musical."

Crazy theory huh? But you do get what I'm saying though, right?

But that makes us all wonder . . . is it true? Is Eddy actually Freddy's secret twin brother who got adopted by his aunt and uncle? 

Hope you guys liked this crazy theory of mine! More randomness and theories coming up soon!

Oh! Before I forget . . . here's one more thing I just thought of! It relates to Eddy being Freddy's secret twin brother theory. 

What if there's a reason why Freddy never mentioned Eddy in the show and why we never saw Eddy in an episode of T.O.T.S. That reason could be that Eddy is not only Freddy's possible secret twin brother but also Freddy's evil secret twin brother and Freddy just never mentioned anything about it because it's that dark of a . . . well . . . secret and didn't know how Pip would react if he told him. 

Mind blowing, right?!

Anyway, that's all for now for this chapter or part or whatever. See you all soon! More randomness and theories are on the way!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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