Confessions and Hinting

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Over the months, I had developed feelings for Evan. One night, we went star-gazing after I begged him to go. "Hey, uh. Gemini?" I looked at him. "Yeah?" He started fidgeting with his hands. "Can I tell you something?" My stomach dropped. "Go ahead." He sighed. "I really like you. Like I have major feelings for you. Like more than a friend. It's okay if you don't feel the same and-" I cut him off by kissing him. I smiled as I pulled back. "Shush." He smiled. "Hey, Gem?" "Yeah?" "Will you date me?" "Only if you date me." He nodded. "Deal." "Deal." He kissed my knuckles. 

Ever since we got together, we started hinting to the fans and our friends about our relationship. One day, Evan had an interview and I was allowed to go. It was for MTV, one of my favorite channels. "So, the fans have been asking a big question." I put one leg next to my on the couch. "They wanna know, are you guys really dating, or is it just for the stage?" I nudged Evan. "Well, I guess it's time to reveal our relationship." He said, looking at me. I intertwined our hands. "We've been dating since July." The interview went by and we got to my house to see us on the TV screen. "Oh shit-"


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