Chapter 1

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"Mini wake up sweetie."

"Imani wake up."


I jolted awake from my moms voice and she looks pissed... "Mini it's 6:40, your school starts at 7:30 you better get ready fast!" Realization hit me that i slept in again. All 10 of my alarms are never able to get me up, I don't even know how a human can sleep in that much.

I jumped out of bed, grabbing a hoodie, biker shorts, bra, underwear, and socks from my closet. Always being my go to outfit since they are always so comfortable and cute. Running to my bathroom I almost tripped over my brothers toy car, I hate how he can always leave his shit around but whenever I do I get a scolding. I mean even though he is 7 and a half it is unreal.

Jumping in and out of the shower along with doing my skin and hair care got me all light headed. I changed and did my makeup. I barley put more makeup then mascara because whenever I did I always ended up looking like a clown, either because I'm just to naturally beautiful or I have no clue how to do makeup...probably both.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed a chocolate waffle for the run to my school, and so I don't go to school hungry. Just as I was about to run out my front door I heard my moms voice. "Mini! Come back so I can school pictures of you and Tj!"

I sighed running back inside to try and take a quick picture. Tj stood next to me I put my arm on his head and smiled waiting for my mom to snap the picture. "Ugh hold on sweeties something happened with my phone again lol." I mentally facepalmed hearing my mom say "lol". She cant ever figure out how to use a phone, but aren't all parents like that?

As much as I love my mom she is like every mom, not knowing how to use a phone, likes drama, single mom takes care of her 2 kids, but that makes her 'her'.

"Do you need help mom?" I asked

"No thank you honey, I think I almost got it." She said, I knew she still had no clue how to get there.

I walked to her, grabbed her phone, swiped out of all the other apps she was using, and went to the camera app.

"There you go, now please make it quick i really need to go I can't be late." I said speed walking back to my brother and getting back in the same pose.

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese!!" When the picture was being taken I saw the flash go off. Oh. My. God. "Oh no! The flash went off let me do it again."She said.

"Sorry mom but I really need to go." I ran to her and kissed her cheek. "You can take more after school when I'm not tardy, Love you both see you later!!" I yelled running out the door before she can even argue with me.

As I was switching from running, speed walking, and just walking, I heard my phone go off. Pulling it out from my hoodie I saw it was from my best friend Elissa.

We have been best friends since 1st grade since in kindergarten, we were kinda enemies because we would always fight whoever the line leader as it would always be me and still is.


girl where are you i have
been waiting outside the
school for 30 minutes.
you better not be sleeping
in again🙄.
Princess Ni-Ni🍃💗
sorry bae, maybe i
did sleep in again...🤷‍♀️

suspected you were sleeping
so i am already in our 1st period.
the bells about to ring too better
not ruin your "perfect attendance"

After I saw the words "the bells about to ring" on my phone my eyes darted to the top left of my phone.

"ITS 7:28!!"

I switched back to running, I wasn't that far from my school but I had to make it to my first period which was on the other side of school. And I could NOT ruin my perfect attendance or I will hate myself forever.

I made it to school right when the bell rang, hopefully my teacher will believe all the lies I say to not give me a tardy.

Before making it to class I decided to fix myself in the bathroom, I can not look bad in school even though school air ruins all of us we still have to try and look our bests.

I cant believe I have algebra first period, it was way to early for this shit but at least I have Elissa there. I knocked on the classroom door I saw the teacher look at me and roll her eyes. She walked to the door and opened it.

"Do you have a tardy pass?"She said.

"No I am sorry Ms. Uhhh..."

"Ms. Shea." She said annoyed.

"Ms. Shea, I am so sorry I promise it won't happen again I got lost and forgot where to go." She sighed and opened the door, "Don't let it happen again 'late girl'." I rolled my eyes at the nickname if only she knew.

I saw a free seat next to Elissa and went to sit next to her. We started making fun of the nickname she gave me until we heard Ms. Shea speak. "Don't expect to sit in these seats for the rest of the school year." She said looking at us and the other kids that were talking, "I will give you assigned seats by the start of next week so enjoy your time with your friend, while it lasts..." She said trying to sound scary, we started to giggle from her joke.

Adults always make the worst jokes but that's what always makes it so much more funny. "Okay class we will start introducing and saying 3 things about ourselv-" She was interrupted from a knock on the door. She got more annoyed mumbled under her breath and walking towards the door.

She opened it saying, "What's your excuse now?"
The boy waved his tardy pass in front of her face and gave it to her. As he walked in the class stared at him in awe, I thought he must be new since it would've been impossible not to notice him before.

Me and Elissa turned to each other smirking, "Well we were just starting introductions and saying 3 things about ourselves, why don't you start first 'tardy boy'." She said his nickname giving a small smirk and looking at me.

"My name is Luka Sabbat, I like myself, fashion, and music."


tbh idk how to feel about this chapter but it came out way better then i expected😝 i enjoyed writing this and I'll prob have the next chapter posted sometime tmr

if there are any mistakes please let me know by commenting or messaging me privately🙏

what do y'all think of Ivy's fam and her friends?

please don't forget to vote!!

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