Chapter 2

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"My name is Luka Sabbat, I like myself,  fashion, and music."

His voice kept replaying in my head as my eyes scanned his body from head to toe.

He had his hair tied up, wearing a navy sweater that said, "intel inside", with black cargo pants, 2 silver rings on his left hand and 1 on his right, with black and light blue Nikes that had purple laces(picture above). Why are his feet so big?

No matter how hot he is he's wild for wearing all that in Siesta keys! He was looking for somewhere to sit when we both made made eye contact. I felt my heart stop as I was getting lost in his dark brown orbs, he looked away still looking for a place to sit.

He probably thinks how weird I am, I looked at him like I was a lost puppy. I put my head on my hands looking down at my desk thinking how stupid and idiotic I looked staring at him.

"Yo, Luka come sit next to me." Aiden yelled at him pushing his 'best friend' Luke out of the seat next to him and gestured for Luka to come sit next to him as if nothing happened.

Aiden is one of the most popular kids in school and of course he is on the school soccer team, most of the girls in school are so obsessed with him that they even have a fan club for him. Which I think is a little to much for a guy that changes friends and girls like he's changing condoms.

"Kid keep your hands to yourself and no yelling in my classroom!" I heard Mrs. Shea yell at him.
"And yet your the one yelling." I can hear Aiden mumble and roll his eyes. I watched as Luka dabbed up Aiden and sat next to him. I was lucky enough to have one of the best seats in class having a perfect view of the board and Luka.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see Elissa smirking at me, "Whatcha looking at Ni?"
I tried acting confused at what she just asked me, "What do you mean I was just watching how Aiden threw his 'best friend' out of his seat just to be replaced by the new kid." I said sticking out 'best friend'.

I always felt bad for all of Aidens victims even though you have to one stupid needy teen to fall into his trap. And sadly it seemed like Luka was one of them.

"Nooo not that dumbass, I saw how you were looking at Luka Sabbat." She said in a seductive voice loud enough for only me to hear. "I bet you think he is so hot and sooo se-" Before she could even finish what she was saying Ms. Shae interrupted her.

"Okay class, let's start with our introductions." She pointed at a kid in the front row to go first, then the kid next to him went, then the next one went, and so on. Elissa was still smirking and slowly sitting up straight waiting for our turns to go.

We sat around the middle-end of the room so we still had a little bit of time left before we went, I still can't believe how I ended up with algebra first period. It's way to early for this even if Elissa is here it's hell, and especially with Ms. Shae. I heard that she gives out 15 assignments a night even during our breaks.

I miss summer and how I would always be partying with my friends and traveling with my family. During the day I'd drive around the beach and town. At night I would stay up late at night on call with my friends, playing games, reading books, or watching movies. Unless we were all together, then we would be sneaking out and partying. Every time it's summer I always feel free and live my life to the fullest.

Then I looked to Luka who was talking to Aiden, I can already tell he's going to get his own fan club and everything. I would probably join it though, I mean
who wouldn't? Luka is the definition of sexy, his face is sculpted like a Greek god, and how much I'd love to see what is under all those layers of clo-

Luka turned to me and I snapped back into reality and finally getting my sense of hearing back. "Imani it's your turn." Elissa whispered to me, I looked around the whole class to see them staring at me. My cheeks turned a light pink from embarrassment, "Oh name is Imani Ilizbeth and I friends, family, and uh- the beach."

The class stared in silence until the next person spoke and everyone went back to what they were doing before. I could hear Elissa laughing at me, I looked back at Luka to see him smiling at me and laughing turning to Aiden. I hid my face in my hands groaning as my cheeks were still heated up.

"Girl you must really think he's fine if you couldn't hear me or Ms. Grumpy calling you!" She laughed and put her head on her desk. I rolled my eyes and put my head down waiting till that class was over.

When the bell rung everyone ran out of the classroom into the hallways, sadly me and Elissa didn't have next period together so we split up right after we walked out the door. I made it to my second class which was Biology, I saw some of my other friends, Avi and Gena. We all screamed when we saw each other as I ran to sit next to them.

Avi was one of my best friends since 8th grade and even though we had no classes together we would always have lunch together with our whole group. She's the funniest person I know and feel like could trust her with anything.

Gena has been another one of my best friends since 7th grade in math class. We also had 5th period and lunch together and we got so close talking about every piece of drama we'd hear.

Me, Avi, and gena are a trio and even when we were in big groups together we always stayed together. And that's what I loved about them, how close we would be no matter what.

The bell rung as the last students were coming into class. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Dobson, he seemed like a chill and funny teacher. Glad to have one good teacher at least.

After everyone introduced themselves with nothing happening this time... we all went on our phones to talk about our summer and things that have happened.

And before I knew it class was over and I was on my way to my 3rd period which was finally an elective, Spanish. I've had Spanish all my years of highschool since my moms side of the family is hispanic. I choose to sit down in the back of the classroom, as the bell rung I saw Luka Sabbat run into class.

My jaw dropped and eyes widened as our eyes met, he smirked and sat down behind me. I felt like I was frozen in time and couldn't even move a muscle.

The teacher finally spoke and wrote her name on the board. "Hola clase mi nombre es Sra. Zola." The class stayed silent. I smiled thinking how I barley even understood what she said. "That means hello class my name is Ms. Zola, shocker since I've seen some of you guys here before."

As she started to talk more about herself as I zoned out again, how do me and Luka have the same class? Why did he choose to sit behind me there were so many empty seats?! He probably thinks that I'm some weird stalker even though I was here first.

It's already embarrassing enough to have him in first period, I just cant cant wait for lunch to come so I can get out of this class and talk to my friends.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and froze.
I slowly turned as if I was in a horror movie and the killer was behind me. He smiled at me as we made eye contact.

"Your Imani right?"

1369 words

sorry y'all it took me a lil while to post this bc i was rlly bust tdy!!

idk how to make these characters funny but i'm sure i'll figure it out somehow😇
i'm lowk scared for the next chapter bc imma need to write their convo🤫

what do you think Luka really thinks about Imani?

pls lmk for any mistakes i made or things i can say to make it sound better!🙏
and don't forget to vote🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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