Chapter 26

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🌷 (Y/n) P.O.V. 🌷

Katara and I sit at the council meeting to discuss the invasion plans. I find myself incredibly on edge. The last time I was in a war meeting... I sit up straight, keep my face stoic, and remain polite. "General Fong's base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation on the Day of Black Sun." Momo jumps on the map and begins knocking over the pieces. "Or we could send in Momo to do some damage!" Katara giggles. The Council of Five are unamused. I rush to grab Momo, who chitters in surprise. "So sorry." I bow my head respectfully. He uses earthbending to stand the pieces back up. "All we need is the Earth King's seal in order to execute the plan." He shoots the scroll over to us, and Katara grabs it. "We'll get these scrolls to him right away. Thank you, General How."

We exit the building in silence, but once out, Katara asks, "Are you okay?" I fiddle with my wrappings, but I nod. It doesn't take a Toph to know I'm lying. "You just seemed tense in there. More serious then usual." She tries to tease. "Katara, please stop." I sigh. We start to pass a a tea shop, it's called the Jasmine Dragon. "Well, if you don't want to talk, what about something to calm you down." I roll my eyes, but I do smile. It reminds me of Iroh telling u we needed calming tea. "I don't need any calming tea." I say. "What do you say, Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the king?" She presses. The lemur chitters, so we walk inside. Nearing it, we hear a familiar voice.

"Uncle! I need two jasmine, one green, and one lychee!" I'm stunned into silence, frozen in place. I could cry at the next voice I hear. "I'm brewing as fast as I can!" I'm so relieved he's alive, but how are they here? We're they still following the Avatar, and if so, why are they running a tea shop? I almost want to step toward them, voice these questions, but Katara grabs my wrist and drags me with her as she runs. I can't think, I can't breath, I'm lost in a whirlwind on emotions, and before I know what happened, I'm in the palace. Only three Kyoshi warriors are present. "Thank goodness you're here, Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city, I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle! We have to tell the Earth King right away!"

I notice the lead girls eyes. They widen in surprise, but what's truly interesting is the color. The same gold color of my own. "That's not Suki."

"Oh, don't worry, I'll be sure to let him know." Azula says, standing. Katana and I prepare for attack, but Ty Lee quickly jumps forward. I manage to dart around her for a moment, but she blocks Katara chi, cause her to fall limp to the ground. Azula bends a stream of fire at me, which distracts me long enough for Ty Lee to get the upper hand. I fall to her too, and the girls stand over us. "So, Zuzu's in the city, too? I think it's time for a family reunion, don't you think, (Y/n)?"

Third Person P.O.V.

"Katara's fine. You have nothing to worry about."

"But, in my vision, I felt so sure she was in trouble." Aang insists. "Well, she and Li met with the Council of Generals to plan the invasion, and since then, they've been off with your friends, the Kyoshi Warriors." The king informed. "See, Aang? She's with Suki. They're probably back at our apartment right now talking about make-up or something." Sokka believed his words, but part of him wasn't so convinced it was that easy. He wasn't sure that (Y/n) would really want to be around Suki. "Okay. Maybe you're right." Aang sighed in defeat. "Believe me, if there was any danger at all, Bosco's animal instincts would sense it." Bosco lifts up his head from sleeping to look at the three, nothing but innocence behind his eyes.


The group returns to their house on Appa. Inside, all they find is Momo, who runs up to them. "Momo!" Momo climbs up Aang onto his shoulders. "There's no one else here." Toph discovers. "Katara is in trouble! I knew it!" Aang concludes. "Wait! Someone's at the door." Toph says as someone knocks. "Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine." She walks over to the door and opens it, revealing a respectful looking Iroh it. "Glad to see you're okay." Toph says, oblivious to the shocked glares from her companions. "I need your help." He tells them.

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