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Jennie and stefan stole glances here, and their she was, a blushing mess Stefan couldn't help but smirk at the gorgeous gilbert girl.

Jennie was jotting down notes she needed unlike Elena, who was staring at Stefan Jennie admiring her beauty.
Jennie felt her phone lightly vibrating in her pocket. A message from Bonnie [HAWT-E. STARING @ U. NINI]

Elena looks at Stefan. She then looks at her sister frowning.

Class came to a end and Elena went to meet up with Tyler and the headed to his house.


Jennie walks into the cemetery and writes in her song book. She was inspired by today and thought about her parents.

[A crow appears on her parents grave stone.]

Jennie notices the crow, getting a uneasy feeling. She been writing again but teh crow kept making noise. Okay. Hi, bird.  That's not creepy or anything. Shoo!
The bird flies off but sits on a head stone watching her.

That's what I thought.
The crow reappears and fog starts to ascend around the cemetery. A man is standing behind a tomb. Jennie starts to run. Getting a bad vibe not wanting to be near the bird or man or shadow. She didn't care to find out.

Ahh! Shit.
She trips and falls, hitting her knee on a rock. She gets up and sees Stefan.

You okay? He asks noticing how she was getting up. Yes just fell, you're not following me are you. She asked in a playful tone eyebrow raised jokingly.

No, I-a, uh, I-a just - I saw you fall. He responded not wanting to scare her off.

Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery. Mystery boy she said giggling.

I'm visiting. I have family here.
Oh. Wow. Same here.. She looked back still feeling another presence, I'm sorry. It's the fog, It's making me foggy. And then back there, there was this - this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock? Or was it RIO ...I'm Jennie.
I'm Stefan.

I know. We have History together.
And English and French. Well most of our classes. He said.

Stefan pulls a leaf out of Jennie's hair.

Did you hurt yourself? He asked noticing her ripped dress.
Did you hurt yourself?
Oh, uh, I don't know. I think it's pretty sore.
Jennie lifted her dress over her knee cap noticing it was indeed bleeding.

Oh! Would you look at that. That is not pretty. Darn it !
[Stefan turns around and his face changes].
[Stefan's eyes start to change at the scent of fresh blood]

You should go. Take care of that.
Really, it's nothing.
[She turns around but Stefan has disappeared.]

Salvatore Boarding House

[Stefan is writing in his diary.]

I almost lost control today. Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. I'm simply not able to resist her.

Mystic Grill
Jeremy: Hey Vick.
Vicki: Working.
[She arrives at Matt and Tyler's table.]

Matt: Thanks, Vick.
Vicki: Do you need another refill?
Tyler: I'd love one.
[Vicki leaves the table.]

Matt: Please tell me you're not hooking up with my sister.
Tyler: I'm not hooking up with your sister.
Matt: You're such a dick.
[Jeremy catches up to Vicki.]

Jeremy: Hey, what's your deal? I mean, summer you act one way and then school starts and you can't be bothered.
Vicki: Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals, but you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.
Jeremy: When's the last time you had sex with a puppy?
Vicki: Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world I deflowered Elena's kid brother.
Jeremy: Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.
Vicki: We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over. You gotta back off before you ruin things between me and Tyler.
Jeremy: Oh,come on, the guy's a total douche. He only wants you for your ass.
Vicki: Yeah? What do you want me for?
[Caroline and Bonnie enter.]

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