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No one else made sense, Miles and Bain were so good together, and the moon had to have seen that.

It had been a few days since the party, Bain hadn't made any announcement, nor did I ask him.

I wondered why he hadn't told us yet, what was stopping him?

I hadn't told anyone what I knew. I wanted the Oracle to tell us himself.

However yesterday, Bain did make an announcement.

He was leaving the pack.

Miles wanted to go find her family, and I couldn't blame her. She had been captive all these years, but I didn't understand why Bain had to go with her.

I made the connection that they must be mates if he is willing to leave his own family to go find hers.

Bain was selfless like that.

But when I saw them together, something was missing.

"Did you hear from Bain yet?" I asked the kitchen before looking to see who was there.

Alice, her back towards me as she sipped her coffee, looking out at the slowly growing tree above our beloved uncle.

She didn't respond.


"Hmm?" she didn't turn.

"Did you hear from Bain yet?"

This time her short brown hair swayed as she shook her head, "Am I supposed to?"

Her tone was clipped.

My hand stopped stirring my pot on the stove, and I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong but she spoke instead, "I've applied for a spot in the school at Weatherbrae."


I didn't know much about Weatherbrae, other than it being across the Thalassa ocean, and I turned abruptly, "You want to leave?"

She still hadn't turned, "I've been accepted."

What was going on?

My mind was struggling to comprehend what she was saying. I couldn't let her go, she's my baby sister, and I had no idea what Weatherbrae was like.

She'd be alone over there.

I'd be alone.

That's not completely true, because I had Alex and the rest of the pack, but I need her as well.

The Oracle had said his goodbyes to almost everyone yesterday, but he lingered in Sawyer's entry hall for Alice.

Alice didn't come down to see them off.

I didn't know why, but I made the excuse that she was sick with something from breakfast, and I knew Bain didn't believe me but he nodded his understanding anyway.

The Soothsayer was the most upset out of everyone. He was angry, his persona was tense, and snaked around the room.

He kept muttering under his breath, and at dinner that night told us we let him make one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Only then did I hint that Miles could be Bain's mate, but he didn't seem to believe or care.

I didn't see Alice until later that night when I brought up her dinner.

She was asleep before I could give it to her.

And now this?

"Why?" was a mere whisper on my lips at her back.

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