Chapter 1 - October 7th, 20XX

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The world is dark. I feel as though I'm in motion, but I can't move. The feeling of motion ends, and light suddenly blinds me, making me shut the one eye I can see out of. A Dark figure Moves across my Field of View, carrying what looks like boxes out of the area. Am I in a truck?

My vision clears a bit, And the Figure comes back. The figure holds what looks like a Dollie in One hand, and a Bungee Cord in the other. He Leans down, and Picks My Limp Body Up, and Sets me on the Dollie, and Straps me down with the Cords.

My eye eventually becomes accustomed to the Light, and I see a Garage Door. I'm wheeled inside, and a man, whose features I can't quite make out, hands the man wheeling me in something, Presumably Money.

The man takes the money, and Wheels me into the Building further, Bringing me to a Closet. The walls are lined with shelves, and A Table. My vision clears further, and The man unstraps me, and Sets me on the Table.

The man Steps back, letting me See his Uniform. He wears a Blue Jumpsuit, with a Name tag, which read 'Evan McNally'. He had Brown, Shaggy hair, with Mud-Brown eyes scanning my figure.

He sighs, and starts talking to himself.

"Alright, this is my Last shift, Just do this and I'm done."

He sprays me down with a Bottle of Fabric Freshener, and leaves the room.

Many Agonizing hours pass, Several Employees coming and going, Taking and Leaving supplies. The Shelf items are unrecognizable as the Day goes by. Eventually, I hear a Click, and a Restrictive force around me loosen. At the same time, the Lights go dark.

I hear Several loud thumps, and a final Bang, and several Shadowy figures walk in front of me. The figures are unrecognizable, except for Bright, Glowing eyes.

One pair is an Emerald Green, the Other a Dull Lavender with a Black Sclera and White pupil. They Look me up and Down, and begin talking to Eachother.

"Not Much of a Looker, Eh sis?" The Emerald Eyed one Whispered, with a Lighthearted Tone.

"... Agreed." The Purple Eyed One whispered in a Much More Monotone voice.

They Grab several things, and Leave through what I can assume is a vent. Several Clicks emanate from the suit, and my body almost goes limp, But I catch myself, and Stumble to my feet.

I stagger out of the Closet, and into the Building. There's a Long hallway stretching down to a Large Room, where I hear movement. Deciding to use Common Sense, I Keep away. There's another door, But I can't make out the label. I approach, and the Words 'Parts and Service' Become Clear. I enter the Room, seeing several Shelves full of Robotic Parts.

I stumble Further into the Room, the Cold air of the room flowing Through every hole in the suit. I almost have a double take as I see the poster on the wall. It seems to be an Anime Poster, But it's no Anime I've ever seen.

The character is Lewdly Dressed, Wearing a Barely covering Bikini and thong. I look around more, and see an Old, Dusty Locker. It is Large, and Has Rust all over. It would most definitely fit me. I walk up to it, and Open the Door. It opens silently- A Surprise to be sure, But a welcome one- and it appears empty. I hear footsteps approaching, and hide in the Locker.

A Man runs in, Panting, and Blocks the door behind him. The door is pounded on, but ultimately holds. The man puts his back against the Wall, and slides down to a Sitting Position.

"F-Fuck it's worse than Freddy's!" He yells in a panicked, Shaky Voice.

-October 7th, 20XX, 4PM-

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