Chapter 3 - Plastic meets Flesh

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I continue down the hallway, my legs creaking loudly. I see a Figure backpedaling towards me, and rapid footsteps in the distance. A Bright red Figure rounds the corner, and dashes at the Backpedaling Figure. They Stop dead in their tracks, and the figure backpedaling bumps into me. They slowly turn around, and I recognize them as the man from the Parts and Service Room.

He slowly looks up to my face, before he tries to run away. I grab his arm, and he begins screaming bloody mary. The red Figure runs off, their footsteps getting quieter as they get further away.

The man frantically scratches and hits me, desperately trying to free himself. He lands a hit on the nose of the suit, forcing me to release him. He runs like his life depends on it, Running straight down the hall and going into a room at the end. The doorway is quickly blocked by a metal blast door.

'This feels familiar.'

I notice a Red Dot light up on the ceiling. Looking directly at it, I realize it's a Camera, and I'm being watched. I move down the hall, ignoring the Figures watching me from around the corners.

I take a Left turn, and walk down the hallway, looking for an exit to the building. I make my way down the hall, Ignoring the figures looking at me on either side of me. The hall opens up to a large room, Filled with colorful banners, 16 Tables with Plain White table cloths, and chairs to accommodate 6 People at each table.

I walked into the room, Noticing several items at each table, although I couldn't make them out. I look around for an exit, and I spot a door in the back-right corner. I make my way through the Sea of Chairs and tables, and make it to the door.

Walking Through, I see Flashing lights outside the door, and a large metal gate blocking my way. I give it several tugs, and try to ram through to no success.

I mentally curse at the fact I can't leave that way. I check the watch, and see the time is 4:36 AM. I look around for another exit, and see a stage that I'm surprised I didn't notice earlier. I make my way towards it, and try to climb up the Wooden Structure. I curse as I hear the wood straining under my weight, and cease my attempt.

I turn around, and see a yellow figure duck behind 2 Large doors, presumably a Kitchen. I ignore them, and return to the Hallways, Passing by the Shut-off room. After several moments, I arrive at the door they wheeled me in through.

'Why didn't I try this earlier?'

I try to open the door, to no success. Must be locked. I step back, and Ram into the door, hearing a *snap* before I feel intense pain in my shoulder. I let out a pained yell- or as best of one I can- and it echoes throughout the building.

-Mikes POV-

I'm locked inside the office, watching that thing wander around on cameras. It passes the office several times, but never approaches. I watch it approach the Loading bay, and try to open the door.

I see it back up, and Ram into the door shoulder-first. I hear a sickening Crack, and the thing begins screaming and holding its shoulder. It falls back against the wall, clutching its shoulder. It stands back up, still clutching its shoulder, a Small amount of blood dripping down.

'Wait- blood?'

I pause for a moment, spacing out as millions of thoughts run through my head. my mind spirals further into panic, so much so, that I don't even acknowledge the creaking coming from the ventilation.

I hear a somewhat loud *Thunk* and I spin around to see a large figure standing there. I take a step back, only for them to take a step forward in return. This continues until I bump into the desk. I open my mouth to scream, only for a Cloth-Covered Plastic Hand to cover it.

"shhh… I am quite sure we both would prefer it if the others or that.. Thing didn't hear you." The voice whispers

I calm slightly, and stop struggling. I'm still shaking, but they take the fact I've stopped struggling as a good omen, and release me.

Now that I am no longer panicking, I can make out features of the figure. They dwarfed me in height, and were quite obviously an Animatronic, but they had a Human-like feminine Figure.

Their Skin was Porcelain white, with Rosey cheeks and Purple Lipstick Covered lips. Their Eyes had a Black Sclera, with Emerald Green Irises, and I felt them boring a hole into my own eyes. They had a Black Leotard, Black and White striped Gloves that went all the way to their biceps, with matching Thigh-highs. They had a Black Button-up Crop-top that had a loose bottom, with 3 Very large grey buttons on it.

I struggle internally to not absolutely freak out. Managing to sputter out a sentence.

"W-What do you want?" . . . Yeah it's pretty clear I'm absolutely Terrified. And they seem to pick up on it.

"Well, Let's start with names. I am Mari, and you are?" She speaks in a relatively Firm, yet not commanding voice.

"M-Mike… Mike Schmidt." I sputter out.

"Well Mike, I think we both have a common goal. Make sure that thing isn't a threat." Her voice softens slightly.

"T-that thing is a larger threat than you think." I managed to utter.

Mari raises an eyebrow. "Care to enlighten me?" Their voice yet again Becomes firm.

"It's an Animatronic… f-from an old F-Fazbear Entertainment Location. It was built in t-the 80's, and i-It's extremely dangerous!" I sputter out

She looks deep in thought, before speaking.

"Well-" Before she can speak, a Large Crash is heard, and rapid banging on the door is heard. I check the cams, and see The Animatronic hitting the door.

Mari looks over my shoulder, squinting their eyes. "Those Doors won't hold Forever, another 3 Minutes at best."

She jumps up, grabs the rim of the vent, and climbs up into it. She reaches down, and I grab her hand. She pulls me up into the vent, and I hear the door below open as the power cuts out.


Hey, it's been a bit.

I think i might go on Hiatus for a bit, as I can't bring myself to write... So this may be the last chapter i write for a bit. But I WILL return.

So... Aufweidersehen, Ciao, Sayonara, Goodbye. Till we next meet.

[I only upload to Wattpad, if this is on any other site it is without my Consent]

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