insomniac [miniminter]

831 18 2

It's too hot. I've been asleep for hours under a thick duvet in the British summer heat - of course it was going to be too hot. Sharing a bed with a 6 foot guy doesn't help either.

I shift position, so that I lie on my side instead of my back, tugging the duvet as I move.

But even with the heat, and the sweat, and the humidity, I was cold. It's not that cold you feel when the heating is broken or that cold when you go out in April without a jacket. It's a cold where despite you feeling hot and the air being thick, your hands and your feet are freezing.

Simon is warm though.

He reminds me of summer. Of bright days where the day passes almost lazily. Of cool late nights. Of laughter. Of every night together. And of last night.

I touch his bare back, tracing his shoulder blades with my fingers so that they meet at the back of his neck. It's sensitive there and a light brush of my fingertips makes him shudder while he sleeps.

It's pleasant to touch his warm bare back with cool fingers.

I follow the curves of his back again with my hand, this time downwards with my fingers lightly drumming against his skin. I stop just above his hip where the lightest of touchs will send shivers.

The gentle motions I make now are different from the rough behaviour hours earlier. But both are so satisfying to me.

Simon lets out a low moan and turns so that he now faces me. His eyes are still closed and his arms are still wrapped around the pillow.

"Si?" I whisper. I don't want to wake him but it doesn't seem like he's still asleep. "Simon?"

My hand trails back upwards, following the route it had taken down Simon's back. This time it rests on his cheek and I move in closer, my face inches away from his.

I watch him, noting the shapes and lines of his face and his eyes and his nose and his mouth.

And I am so close to him I can feel the slight movements in his chest from his breathing.

I love it.

I love the physical closeness to him, the way he feels lying next to me.

He moves so suddenly, the sheets pushed away as he wraps his arms and legs around me. He moves so fast that I almost jerk backwards out of surprise. But I hug him back.

I will always hug him back.

As I tuck my head under his chin, I hear him whisper softly.

"I love you."

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