But you're different

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Simon was in denial the first couple days. But eventually he realised, Josh was never coming back. No matter how many days he would wait. Josh was gone.

He still kept the small remains of him. Little reminders that he existed and Simon hadn't made him up completely. Yet sometimes he'd hide them all, ridding anything that would take him back to those couple of months where he felt alive again.

Simon knew he'd have to move on at some point, he couldn't stay wrapped up in his little fantasies, waiting for Josh to come crawling back, begging for forgiveness. It would never happen. So he went to a new coffee shop. Days passed with no success. Same old same old.

Then. One day. The feel of the day was different. Light rain pattered on the windows, a faint glow came from the small café. The warmth hugged Simon as he stepped into the shop. The scent of coffee was much more apparent, even though it was only him and another in the café.

Like Josh, the stranger had his back to him. Yet this is, alerted by the sound of the door opening, he turned looking curiously at Simon.

He was different. Freckles adorned his face, jeans covered his legs, a hoodie covering his upper body. Unmistakeable blond hair, bright blue eyes. It all drew Simon closer to this man. He ordered his usual and sat down opposite him.

"I'm Harry. You are?"


After that day everything changed. It soon went from coffee shop dates to messy beds and the stench of rough sex. Harry was fast paced, electrifying. Just what Simon needed. Harry was late night raves and glow in the dark body paint. The taste of ecstasy and excitement. Alcohol and drugs were almost a part of him. And that just made Simon more intrigued. He wanted to know everything about Harry, yet he'd never slow down enough to tell him.

The early morning sun leaked though the cracks in the curtains, bathing their sweaty bodies in light. This was Simon's chance.

"Tell me about yourself."

And boy did Harry spill. His favourite colour was blue, he liked burnt toast and comfortable silence. Simon knew everything. And he almost hated it. This wasn't the same. It just didn't feel right. Late night raves and the overwhelming taste of ecstasy wasn't his thing. He liked early morning voices and hushed whispers. Long roads, bright lights. Small towns, petrol stations. He liked Josh. Simon was too fast paced for his lifestyle.

In the end, he left. Under the cloak of darkness he left Harry, just like Josh had left him. Sure it felt terrible, but Harry just wasn't for him.


Multiple men, multiple women. Josh had played them all. They'd all fallen for him as quickly as he left them. After Simon nothing felt as good as it did before. He'd never get the same adrenaline rush he'd get before laying eyes on Simon for the first time. Simon was the one for him, yet he'd just abandoned him like he was just another broken being looking for love. Simon wasn't that. Simon was different. And Josh knew it.

He had to go back to New York to find him. He's too important to just abandon him carelessly. It was sorted, the plane, the car ride he'd get off an old friend, all done. He'd continue to wait impatiently, ready to see Simon, ready to beg on his hands and knees for forgiveness if he had to.

The day had arrived. He borded the plane and was on his way back home. His home was wherever Simon happened to be. If that meant his home was a dirty back alley, or a glorious apartment so be it. He just wanted Simon back in his arms once and for all.


Rain poured down from the dark sky. Smog coated the early streets. The sun had not yet risen. Simon walked to his usual coffee shop, same old same old. Yet it was closed. He knew he'd have to go back to the old shop. The one where he met Josh. He almost didn't want to step foot in it and have all the memories flood back in a rush of endorphins. But it had to be done. Simon couldn't ignore Josh's existence forever.

The scent of bitter coffee and freshly baked muffins overwhelmed him. As per usual it was just him in the café, his caffeine fix needed early. He sat down and began finishing the essay he'd started. A door opened and a man walked in. Simon ignored him and kept at his work. Yet soon enough the man sat down opposite him.

"Simon I need you back."

Josh. Conor could never forget that voice, how thick with sleep it was this early in the morning. A small smile danced on his lips.

"I need you.. But I can't."

"Why?" Sam nearly cried just hearing those words.

"Because you just got up and left. You didn't think at all."

"I realised, I never should have done it. You mean so much to me."

"Not if you could get up and leave like that."

"Well they say that you don't know what you have before you lose it." Josh smirked.

"That's not right."

"That doesn't matter right now." I just want you back."

Josh got up promptly and sat next to Simon, his lips planted straight on Simon's. Simon melted into his embrace. This is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now Simon thought.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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