Roommate Fun // {JJ, Simon, Josh & Vik} [Explicit]

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It was just a normal Friday night in the Sidemen house, more quiet than usual but definitely normal. Josh and Vik had left the house midway through the afternoon to go over to JJ's, just to hang out with their other friends and grab something to eat. Simon had denied the request of going out even though he wanted to, he had too much editing to do before him and the boys left for PAX.

The clock chimmed midnight when Simon finished his last edit, throwing his hands up in victory and spinning around in his chair. Now what? The boys still weren't back yet, he'd have to find something else for entertainment. He got up from the chair and grabbed his swegway, quickly exiting his room and going down the stairs. He placed the Swegway on the ground before hopping on it, moving himself to the living room.

There wasn't anything on tv - not even anything football related. Simon sighed at this before just switching off the tv again, he'd just go up to his room and watch something on YouTube til the boys got back.

It didn't take long for Simon to get bored of that, getting back up from his chair and hopping back on his Swegway, he moved around the room for a moment trying to think of something to do. In pure Simon fashion, an idea popped into his head - a dumb one in fact if it ended up hurting him. "Hmmm." He hummed, untying the string from his sweats before tugging them down slightly along with his boxers - his member on full display. He wasn't actually sure how this was work but he was bored and was eager to try it.

He gripped himself with one hand, moving his hand harshly and slowly on him - emitting a moan from the tall boy as he tried his best to keep balance on the swegway. He was enjoying himself, that's all that really mattered from his end. "Mmm, great idea Simon." He sighed out, before moving his hand faster on him.

Josh unlocked the front door, opening it and letting himself, JJ and Vik into the house. "Well that was pretty fun."JJ perked up, taking off his jacket and hanging it up. "Maybe we should call Simon down, get some bevs and have a few games of FIFA?" Josh asked as Vik just groaned at the thought of it. "Come on! You know I can't play!" He whined, causing Josh and JJ to chuckle.

"Exactly." Josh teased, "I'll go get out the vod-" He stopped halfway through his sentence when sounds came from upstairs, sounds that seemed to have the same tone of voice as Simon. Josh raised up his finger for the boys to be quiet, motioning up the stairs as they needed. One by one, the boys crept up the stairs quietly and towards the slightly open door leading to Simon's room. Each boy stuck their head out to look through the door gap, eyes widening at the sight they saw.

Simon. On a swegway. Pants down, holding himself in his hand and wanking himself off. His head was tilted back as he did this, moans escaping his lips as he continued to balance on the swegway. All the boys outside the door were memorized by the sight of Simon in such a vulnerable state as well as feeling their hard-ons push against their clothing - it was weird. In all the time they had lived together, this stuff never happened ever. Yet here they were, all getting a boner over watching Simon have a wank.

JJ shot the boys all a look, no words but communication going back and forth to all of them. Vik and Josh slowly nodded eventually, all a set plan in their heads. JJ smirked and rested his hand on the door, pushing it open to reveal themselves.

"Hey Si." He spoke up, causing Simon to freeze up at the voice. He opened his eyes to look at his best friends in the doorway, making a yelp and jumping of the swegway. The boys laughed at how freaked out and embarrassed Simon looked, the boy quickly pulling his boxers and sweats back up.

"What the fuck, guys?!" Simon exclaimed, feeling like an absolute bellend. He knew he should have closed that door all the way. "I can never have any privacy in this house!"

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