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when I was 8 I wish to feel my mother's love. but when time goes by and days pass and months go I eventually learn that no matter what I do and how hard I try I will never be good enough to please her. so I don't bother to dream about getting the love I wish.when I turn 12 seek to have true love as I imagined in fairytales like a prince charming would save me from hell. however, it turns out that fairytale doesn't exist. so I build my comfort zone that only a few people have entered. but some people who entered my zone betrayed me. despite it, I forgave some of them. I forgave them but I never forget their sins to me. it's going to be part of my life.when I turn 16/17 I was attending 3rd yr high school at that time. that was the first encounter with my prince charmingas I see it but never had a chance to hold hands.let's say it was one-sided unconditional love. I see him differently like no one else can see what I saw in him. I adore him, I wish for him to look at me the way I look at him. I get jealous every time he is surrounded by female classmates. that time somewhat it doesn't go the way I wanted because I don't have the guts to after my dream. I'm too scared or let's say chicken to run toward my happiness. I precisely head over hills on him.years pass through we cross path again my heart beats uncontrollably when he message me. like my mind turns off and my heart starts to go wild. all I ever think is thank you, lord. after that, no buts no discouragement no backing up just push forward and run that's all I'm thinking now it is just us against the haters.we will someday say to them and prove to them that we made it and we are proud that we choose each other.loving you eternally J.S


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