Chapter 3

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 "Omg, I'm so sorry!" Walter exclaimed, quickly bending down to help gather the scattered documents

As I looked up at the man who bumped at me, my eyes widened, a mirror to my astonishment, bore witness to the astonishing sight before me. "Walter?" I uttered, my voice a mixture of incredulity and disbelief,
my heart racing in tandem with the myriad of thoughts racing through my mind.

The mere idea that fate could orchestrate such an encounter left me in awe.

Walter's face, a canvas of emotions, illuminated as his gaze met mine.

His lips curved into a smile that carried the weight of countless shared memories.

"Sasha!" he exclaimed, his voice infused with a delightful surprise that mirrored my own, "Is it really you?" His eyes sparkled, reflecting the joyous recognition that danced within his heart.

"Sasha!" he exclaimed, his voice infused with a delightful surprise that mirrored my own, "Is it really you?" His eyes sparkled, reflecting the joyous recognition that danced within his heart

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The years melted away in an instant, and the distance that had kept us apart felt insignificant in the face of this unexpected reunion.

A gentle breeze rustled the pages of my scattered papers, the fluttering sound a poignant reminder of the moment that had brought us back together.

Walter's gesture, as he carefully retrieved and tenderly handed over the wayward documents, was an embodiment of the familiar camaraderie we had once shared.

After the initial shock of our reunion, a warm laughter bubbled up from within me, and I marveled at the twists of fate that had led us to this point. "I can't believe it's you," I chuckled, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over me as if we had never been apart. "Shall we find a coffee stop?" I suggested a spontaneous invitation that felt just right.

Walter's cheeks flushed with a charming hint of embarrassment as he nodded, his smile mirroring the happiness that filled the air between us. 

Sitting across from each other in the cozy coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed beans enveloped us

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Sitting across from each other in the cozy coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed beans enveloped us.

Walter's eyes sparkled as he looked at me, his gaze softening with a familiarity that transcended the passing years. "Sasha," he said, a hint of wonder in his voice, "you haven't changed a bit." His words carried a genuine appreciation, reminding me of the bond we had once shared.

I couldn't help but blush at his compliment, a rush of emotions catching me off guard. "And you," I replied, playfully raising an eyebrow, "still as grumpy as ever." We both shared a laugh, the sound mingling with the clinking of cups and the distant hum of the city beyond the café's windows.

Walter and I shared an unbreakable bond during our university days, but as life would have it, our paths diverged after graduation.

Amidst the backdrop of fond memories, I couldn't help but ask, "Walter, what have you been up to these days?"

He offered a small smile, a mix of nostalgia and resignation playing in his eyes. "Honestly, not much," he confessed with a shrug, "just working a journalist job."

My genuine enthusiasm couldn't be contained. "Wow, that's cool!" I exclaimed, genuinely impressed by his chosen path.

The image of Walter as a journalist seemed to fit him perfectly, his innate curiosity and way with words making perfect sense in that role.

He chuckled softly, seemingly appreciative of my reaction. "Yeah, it has its moments," he admitted, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "Covering stories, meeting new people—it can be quite an adventure."

As he spoke, I could almost picture him on the field, chasing stories and uncovering hidden truths.

The years melted away, and I felt that familiar connection we once shared reignite in that moment. Our lives might have taken us on different journeys, but the essence of our friendship remained intact.

As our conversation continued, the topic shifted to me, and Walter's inquisitive gaze turned towards my direction. "And what about you?" he asked, a note of genuine interest in his voice. "What have you been up to, work-wise?"

I hesitated for a moment, grappling with a mixture of emotions.

The truth was that I had always harbored dreams of becoming a professional photographer, but the path had been strewn with challenges and setbacks.

With a heavy sigh, I shared, "Well, I had my heart set on being a professional photographer, but things didn't quite work out as I'd hoped." There was a tinge of sadness in my voice as I spoke those words, a reminder of the dreams I had yet to fully realize.

Walter's expression softened, his empathy evident. "I'm sorry to hear that," he replied, his voice carrying a comforting undertone. "Life has its own way of leading us down unexpected paths."

We exchanged stories of the struggles and triumphs that had shaped our lives since our university days, finding solace in the fact that we were both navigating the unpredictable journey of adulthood.

The cafe seemed to cocoon us in a bubble of shared understanding, where time and distance couldn't diminish the connection we once had.

As our conversation reached a natural pause, Walter reached into his bag to retrieve something.

Just then, a worn journal tumbled out and landed on the table between us. My eyes widened with surprise, and I couldn't help but point at it. "Looks like something fell out."

I remarked, my curiosity piqued by the unexpected appearance of the worn journal.

Walter's expression turned thoughtful as he picked up the journal, his fingers tracing its timeworn cover. "Oh, this," he chuckled, his eyes holding a glimmer of nostalgia. "It's not actually mine; it's an old sailor's journal."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mysterious aura surrounding the journal. "An old sailor's journal? How did you come across it?"

Walter's lips curled into a mischievous smile as he leaned in slightly, his tone hushed. "Well, it's quite the story," he began, his eyes dancing with a hint of excitement. "This journal supposedly belonged to a sailor who embarked on a journey to a remote and mysterious island. Legend has it that the island holds secrets beyond imagination."

My interest was thoroughly piqued as I leaned in closer, captivated by the allure of the unknown. "Secrets? What kind of secrets?"

Walter's gaze held a mix of intrigue and excitement. "Legends speak of hidden treasures, ancient ruins, and enigmatic creatures," he revealed, his voice carrying a sense of wonder. "The journal is said to contain cryptic descriptions of the island's landmarks and the sailor's encounters with its mysteries."

I couldn't help but be drawn into Walter's narrative, the idea of a forgotten journal chronicling such captivating tales igniting my imagination. "And what do you plan to do with it?" I asked, a touch of eagerness in my voice.

Walter's expression grew even more secretive. "I'm actually going to cover this story," he confessed, his eyes gleaming with determination. "The island, the journal, the mysteries—it's the kind of story that could be a true adventure."

As Walter shared the captivating tale of the old sailor's journal and the mysterious island it spoke of, my mind began to race with possibilities.

The idea of embarking on an adventurous journey, capturing it through the lens of my camera, ignited a spark within me.

Unable to contain my excitement, I leaned in and said, "You know, Walter, this might be a golden opportunity for me to capture some truly extraordinary photographs.

Would you consider letting me join you on this adventure?"

The Depths of Cursedellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن