Chapter 20

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The faces of the tribal people bore an uncanny resemblance to the imagery from ancient legends—their expressions marked by a blend of mystique and wildness.

Each face was adorned with vivid red markings, as though the patterns told stories of battles won and trials endured across generations.

Their features spoke of a connection to this land that ran deep, a bond forged by years of living in harmony with the untamed beauty of the island.

As we moved forward in the queue, I caught glimpses of their eyes—intense and filled with a knowing that seemed to pierce through the layers of time.

Their gaze held an otherworldly quality, as if they were the gatekeepers to the island's ancient secrets.

Amid the mysterious ambiance of the island, we settled into an open space where the tribal people had directed us.

The faces of the tribespeople, adorned with wild red markings and featuring an otherworldly quality, held a mixture of intrigue and caution. The atmosphere was both tense and curious, as we awaited the next move from our enigmatic hosts.

Walter's voice reached my ears in a hushed tone, a thread of communication amidst the unfamiliar environment. "They saved us from the bear attack," he revealed, his gaze flickering towards the tribespeople who surrounded us.

A sense of shared relief surged through me, and I nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, they saved me too," I whispered back, recognizing that their actions had potentially saved us all from a dire fate. Our eyes met, understanding and camaraderie conveyed through the unspoken words.

In a surprising turn, the tribespeople brought forth a massive plate, a centrepiece adorned with intricate designs and symbols.

The plate, ornate and captivating, held an array of food and bear meat, meticulously arranged as if each piece held significance beyond its culinary role.

With a graceful and practiced motion, they began to serve us from the plate—a gesture that transcended language and cultural differences, inviting us to partake in their sustenance and share in their hospitality.

The food and bear meat presented before us was not merely sustenance; it was a window into their way of life, a profound connection to the island's resources.

Amid the enigmatic scene unfolding before us, a collective sense of confusion hung in the air. We exchanged bewildered glances, each of us trying to decipher the intentions behind the grand display laid out for us.

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