Chapter One

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You are sitting on your bed after watching a couple of episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh. The battle city finals have just finished in the part you are in. You decided to re-watch the show, so you can look like a pro when your siblings (or friends) ask you questions about it. They are behind you, only to the part when Bakura and Yami have just finished their battle. 

You close your eyes, imagining what would have happened if they were real. If you had appeared, like you always did, this time when they were meeting in the stadium for the finals. You sat on your carpet floor, because you wanted to, and put your hands on the back of your head. You lay down, feeling your hands touch the carpet...but when they did, it was transformed into concrete. You sat up, realizing that you were not in your room anymore.

You are in the stadium. No. Way. You must have fallen asleep. So you pinch yourself. You felt it...

"Who are you?" Kaiba's voice is behind you. You turn, seeing all the battle city finalists there. You swallow harshly. 

"Wh-what?!! You're real?!!" Kaiba's eyes light in surprise at your words. 

"Again, who are you?" He asks coolly. 

"I-I'm...Y/N..." Your eyes fill with tears. This couldn't be happening. You felt rage, frustration, sadness, guilt, and most of all...happiness. 

"I seem to remember you being...smaller..." Kaiba said, pointedly. "Yeah, you can't be Y/N!" Mokuba says. You breathed in quickly.

"I know...I just...It's been seven years! How are you all still..." You pause, and laugh sadly. Kaiba was starting to tell everyone to get away from you, until Yugi spoke up.

"Wait! When did you leave? Only the real Y/N would know exactly when she left." You didn't hesitate even a second.

"Right after you and Joey dueled. When Marik was controlling him. I had just barely met Serenity." 

"Correct." You gasped and looked up. Yugi seemed to have changed. You think you were the only one who could tell that he'd switched with the pharaoh. "And it has been exactly a week for us. Maybe your universe went faster than ours for a while...which would make you sixteen, right?" You nod, eagerly. 

"But...I don't know if I trust that you guys are real..." Yami's gaze softens, and he crouches down to be at your level. 

"Why not?" His tone of voice made you want to tell him. Everything.

"Because, my therapist told me that I was only having situational schizophrenia. I thought that none of you were ever real." Yami's eyes widened in surprise. Kaiba was suddenly there next to you. He began to speak.

"So, if you really had situational schizophrenia, then what was going on in your life that none of us knew about?"

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