Chapter Five

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You stay with Bakura until you reach his room. He grabs his duel disk and deck.

"Stay here," he says gruffly. You instantly want to object.

"What? Why?" you whine.

"Well, I can't have you accidentally giving me away. And you are not one of the duelists.  That's not even counting the fact that this tournament has nothing to do with you. It is a battle of ancient magic."


"Just stay here." You reluctantly agree. What he doesn't know, is that you're planning on crashing his duel later. 

You only wait a little while, before Ishizu knocks on the door. You open it. "So, you do not know what part you play in all of this?" she asks. You only get the gist of what she means. It must have something to do with what Bakura told you earlier. So, you shake your head, and allow her to come inside.

"The spirits of the millennium items used to fight over a girl. Her name was E/N." She doesn't give you much time to process this. "What they didn't know, is that she was the Queen of the Egyptian gods, and their full power could only be harnessed by her, and those she deemed worthy. Those like the pharaoh." She looks to you, quickly, before continuing.

"The story goes that she ran away from them all, choosing none of them, and changed her name to Y/N. Although, the story also says that she was in love with one of them...but didn't want to hurt the other two." Your eyes widen, and you gasp. "Y/N, you, are the only one that the dark side of Marik might listen to. If you convince him to stop..."

"How? I can't do much against the real Marik. He doesn't even know who that I am here." Ishizu nods.

"I know, but my millennium necklace tells me that it won't be that way for long. So when Yami Marik takes control, I hope you'll stand up against him." You close your eyes and think. 

"I don't know..." you open your eyes, "but I'll try!" Ishizu nods in thanks.

"I thank you. I just hope we can save him. My brother never meant for this to happen." You nod. 

"But for now...I'm going to crash Bakura's match!" You walk out the door and she follows. However, as you turn one way, to go watch the first match of the battle city finals, she turns the opposite way to go to her room. 

When you arrived at the top of the blimp, you could see how badly Bakura was losing. Yugi currently had his Egyptian God monster out on the field. You suddenly remembered seeing this in the show!

"Yugi, help me!" Bakura said. Wait. No. That's Ryou!

"Ryou! Are you okay?" you shout.

"Y/N! When did you get here?"

"A while ago, when the spirit was controlling you! Now listen to me, it'll be alright! You'll be okay!" The spirit of the ring looked directly at you. You look at him with a disappointed look on your face. He turned to say something to Marik, and proceeded to take over Ryou again.

"My magic can beat any millennium item!" you announce. You didn't even know why you were covering for Marik. Spirit Marik growled. 'I just made things better for you, Marik.' you thought. Namu walked up to you.

"Can you really?" he asked, skeptically.

"Don't know Marik," you whisper. "Never tried." His eyes widen at you calling him by his given name. The first and only time you'd met him, you had been with Bakura. You'd seen them team up, and had wanted to say how this played out...but you had never come back after Joey and Yugi's duel at the pier. 

He nods, but before he can leave, you say, "But this is not my fight to interfere with." You start to walk away, as Yami declares his attack. Your powers suddenly go haywire. You cry out in pain, doubling over and staggering backward. 

"Y/N!" Yami jumped off the platform, the duel now over. He didn't make it before you collapsed. Instead, Namu caught you. You feel him put you gently on the ground. The millennium rod slides against your ankle, only barely. The black starts to drag you under, but before it does, you say, "I'll be fine. Don't, worry,"

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