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     Its been a couple hours and we've just been talking

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Its been a couple hours and we've just been talking. Star is completely wasted, my tequila is gone and Tom is very very tipsy. Mainly because Tom dared star to chug as much of it as she could, and she did, there wasn't much left but it is 60% so I wouldn't have let her drank much more otherwise she probably would've gotten alcohol poisoning. Its around 02:00 so it's pretty late, or is it really early....hmm

"Hey why did you have a bottle of tequila in your bag, you never answered. Is there some type of party tonight we're missing" Tom asked slightly slurring. "Oh no-" i started before star cut me off. "No its. Because she's a fucking addict!" Anastasia said laughing while yelling. "I'm surprised she didn't bring out some cocaine or oxy. She used to always have that shit." She continued. I'm shocked, no im fucking angry. I need to leave before i jump this asshole. She knows i have a hard time controlling my anger and she also knows I can beat her ass, so why is she pressing my very clear and big red button-who knows. Last time she said stuff like this she ended up with a broken nose and finger and tato left the next day and i got the worst minus,the one i just recently got, beating. Mama usually isn't as physical as she is mental, although i do have the scars. From me and her.

"My favorite addict in the house! My dear sister!!" She said laughing like its the funniest thing in the world. If I don't leave right now im gonna punch her right in her Stu-. no okay just get out of here. I was too busy in my own thoughts I didn't even realize that the twins were just silent, a very awkward silence with so many questions lingering in the air it was suffocating. I was just sat there with an emotionless facade while the boys had furrowed brows and tilted heads, meanwhile star was still smiling trying to hold in her laugh.

"Fuck you. Find your own way home stupid whore." I said as calmly as i could before standing up and jumping from the playground. "You're just mad your insane, and you know im right, maybe ill tell Mama see what bruises you get after that one!" She said as I was walking away, thank god she said that last part in a language they can not understand. "And me? The whore?, says you. You're the one that used get with different people everyday, Hell! You were with a 50 year old when you were 12 for gods sake!" "La fille qui a crié au viol!" She yelled laughing and pointing. "Get it like the boy who cried wolf!" She yelled throwing her head back while laughing. At this point im turned around just watching her with a straight face, a singular tear falls down my face from my left eye. With that tear leaves all the anger which im sure will return later even worse- i got mamas anger issues thats for sure. I just hope I don't have her illness, one of us is bound to have it; i have the most traits but recently i have been noticing Anastasia has been presenting more with it, tonight is a main one. I don't even know what emotion this is, disappointment? Yes. Sadness? Yes but there's more. Shame? One-hundred-percent. There's still more but I'm not sure what it is. All these emotions are too much. I just need to get out of here. I don't even know if im in the right mind to be driving but- fuck it, its not like anyone would care anyways. I just want my family back.I turn away and start the walk back to my bike, im sure the boys will give her a ride, i could care less.

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