Everything is Alright..

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Author's POV:

         (Y/N) was walking around the kingdom and noticed something... A portrait, to be exact though. It was disturbing. The eyes would follow you anywhere you went, and it made them uncomfy, so they quickly walked away from it,

           Still feeling uneasy, (Y/N) suddenly heard a knock on the door, and flinched, still feeling uneasy of what happened back there. "(Y/N)? Are you in there?" It was Julie. "Are you okay? I saw you walk away earlier. Can I come in? I just wanna know if everything is alright.". (Y/N) replies with, "Yes, I'm okay. And yes, you may come in.". Julie comes in and looks concerned. "Are you okay?" Julie asks in a kind, but concerned tone.

         (Y/N) looks up at Julie and says, "Yes, I am okay. Thank you for your concern.". Julie smiles and sits next to (Y/N). "If something is ever bothering you, feel free to tell any of us. We are here and listening. Okay, (Y/N)?" Julie says in a calm and reassuring tone. (Y/N) nods and smiles at Julie. "Thank you Julie."

         Julie smiles and pulls Lovey up onto her feet. "You are an amazing person, (Y/N), and I believe you can do anything if you put your smart little mind to it. Now, Come here, give me a hug." Julie says while holding out her arms in order to get a hug. (Y/N) walks up to Julie and hugs her, being comforted by the warmth and happiness in Julie's body. Julie hugs her back, and then a couple seconds later, they let each other go. "Thank you, Julie. That was very kind and fond of you." (Y/N) says. "Oh it was nothing (Y/N)! It was just being kind and helpful. Now, keep your head up and be as confident as you want.". Julie says.

(Y/N) does just that, and was very confident.





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