Imaginary Friend

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Author's POV before I go on break:

  (Y/N) was walking around, past the children outside, past the weird, eerie picture, and past everything. They didn't want to focus on anything else except themself right now. When they got to their room, there was a card, in their door. They opened it and it said:

Hello, you don't know who I am, so I will introduce myself to you. My name is Serenity. I know you may be frightened with the whole "random card in your door thing", but I promise you, it's not to frighten you, I just wanted to say, I am new here in the Kingdom of Hearts, (Y/N). Please try talking to me and making me feel welcome. I bet you make the most delightful food, too!



(Y/N)'s POV:

       Well, now that I read that note, I feel like that person isn't actually visiting here... I should ask the King about it... I never knew that he let someone in the kingdom. He would've let me know.. Hm, maybe he forgot to tell me. Yeah, he would've definitely told me.. I have a feeling this 'Serenity' has nothing to do with this kingdom. I overthink too much. Screw it, I'm telling Wally... Although...

                  That's oddly weird...

♛    Baker By Heart - A Royal Wally x Reader! ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora