Loving - /13

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With Auston having a girl over himself, Nick and I are spending Friday evening together at my place. After work he came right to my place, carrying the bag of take out through the party crowds outside my door. Starting with the tradition of watching The Officeon my bed, inspired by the people in the hallway, we moved to our own booze. We're sitting cross legged across from each other. Our bare knees touching. We're both just wearing sweat shorts and sweatshirts we put on after having had sex yet. Pretty much every day it's been our favorite activity for the evening, using our lack of big public displays of affection as excuse. Nick also claims it's a good way to work on his conditioning and I'll be the last person to argue with that.

Still, it's not all we do. Needing a good reason to even be drinking alcohol, a reason beyond secretly joining the party outside, we decided on our own version of Never Have I Ever.

"Have you ever been caught jerking off?"

Nick drinks. "Way too many times", he says. "You?"

Instinctively, I wanna shake my head, but eventually hesitate. "Not sure if it counts, cause I'm pretty sure the person didn't realize."

Nick takes another sip from the bottle. "Explain."

"Well, I was in my room back home, and Troy walks in. He was still on his phone, so I stopped, grabbed some random book I had lying around and pretend I just shut it."

Though I feel my cheeks warming, Nick burst out laughing. Leaning back, before stretching out his leg. "Poor Troy."

"I mean he doesn't know." I also wanna take a drink but pause. "At least I don't think he knows."

"Yeah, I don't think he knows. People can be pretty... blind to their surroundings when they're on their phone."

I purse my lips and hit his knee. "You really don't need to remind me."

He smirks. "No? I mean really, like, by now it really shouldn't matter that I already saw you naked then."

I smile. It's only been a few days, and still it seems like Nick, and I already spent ages together. Ages making out and making the other come. Fucking with emotion. "It was still embarrassing then."

"Not just for you, believe me."

"You weren't even the one walking in naked."

"I know, but, like, imagine me walking into the room naked, not noticing you're there."

I chuckle. "I'd definitely not be embarrassed; I'd enjoy the view."

He laughs too, smiling the sort of smile that warms my heart. That makes my body tingle and remember all the things he's done with it. Holding the beer in one hand, he grabs my legs, scooting me closer to him. With me sitting between his legs, I spread out my legs, laying them over his thighs. They hug his hips, without really touching them. Still the heat radiates to my skin.

"Have you ever walked in on someone?" He rests his free hand on my thigh. Moving it underneath the shorts. His fingers draw circles on my inner thigh.

"No, thank goodness. You?"

He shakes his head. "No, I always wonder; why don't people just fucking knock when entering a room? It's literally that easy." He squeezes me thigh, before stopping the circles and simply letting the hand rest on my skin.

"Yeah, I also don't get it."

"Like I was in my room. It's late, and like every normal human being will knock I guess, but what is? My sister just walks in, not even for a valid reason. Do I have tissues? Yeah for fuck's sake, I'm a sixteen year old guy."

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